The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Congress & The Administration Are War Mongers


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Our government and administration like to put on a good face to the masses but in reality they want to continue to perpetuate their own agendas. Right now we have three wars going on. First, Iraq, second, Afghanistan and third a (covert ongoing war)in Pakistan.

If you think we are not waging a war in Pakistan I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you. Fact is, we have American troops inside that country and have had for a very long time. The administration just doesn't like to talk about it. They are afraid that the general public would be upset with an open third war.

So, besides three ongoing wars the administration and our government is gnawing at the bit to start a fourth war with Iran.

My view is that none of these wars is really a necessity, and still, many American lives and American wealth are being squandered like there is no tomorrow.

This administration, our government, turns a blind eye to the rampant fraud and waste (i.e., the 18 billions of dollars that our government accounting agencies can't find in Afghanistan.,) How can a government lose track of 18 billion dollars or more? The USA knowingly allows the very corrupt government of Afghanistan to steal these billions of dollars in an attempt to buy the cooperation of the Afghan government and it's corrupt politicians.

Lets not forget the billions of dollars lost to medicare fraud here in the USA each year. I could go on and on about the various agencies that are scamming us taxpayers. The list is long.

This current administration and past administrations have been transferring obscene amounts of money from our dwindling Treasury into the open arms of the war machine and directing very valuable energy resources to the fat cats in Big Oil.

Our government officials know that war is very big business. It's like a racketeering enterprise .These private armies and mercenaries like (Blackwater) now renamed (Xe) and our military soldiers are the enforcers for our government white collar criminals. Our administration and lawmakers believe war is a good thing and it makes them and the corporate elite very rich and prosperous people.

We, the American people have to let these war monger politicians in Congress know that enough is enough. We have to demand an end to these many wars.

In the past, a few decades ago we could spot the criminals. There were white hats and black hats such as organized crime and an occasional politician. When they were identified they were caught and punished. But now, our political corrupt politicians flaunt their wrongdoing in the taxpayers face. They no longer hide their corruption and the Congress and its committees (like the ethics committee) actually make deals with the corrupt politicians. My question: How can an ethics committee make deals with criminals and corrupt politicians. No wonder Congress has an approval rating of only 9%.

I would like to remind the reader that after World War II and peace was declared and we no longer were fighting wars we in the United States enjoyed an era of prosperity. We rebuilt our highways, freeways and infrastructure. We were putting millions of people to work. Most of the soldiers that returned from the war was able to obtain good jobs with major companies and could look forward to a career and retirement with one company as a reward. People were buying new homes and raising families and enjoying the American way of life. Many returning soldiers took advantage of the educational benefits and attended universities across the country and the citizens of the United States were working in factories and industry that kept our country humming along for decades. People, all of that was because we were not fighting wars. Our peace time brought us prosperity, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Then, the good times fell by the wayside. The politicians dragged the war machine out of the closet and we had Korea, then Vietnam, a small war in Granada (for the benefit of the big corporations). After Vietnam the country began spiraling out of control and continued to do so up to present day.

Is it any wonder that our country is in dire straits now? We have a Vietnam situation in Afghanistan plus three other wars in the making. This is a good thing for our Congress and politicians, big corporations and big oil. This is what they want.

My suggestion: Stop these wars. Bring all of the troops home. Stop spending the billions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan and use those billions of dollars here at home on our infrastructure, schools, electric grids, improving our water and environmental resources etc.--

America first people! Currently we have 13 million starving kids here in the good ol' USA, we have crumbling schools across the nation, our food supply is in jeopardy and our borders are porous and not secured. Why should we spend billions of our taxpayer dollars to build new schools, new roads and highways and set up gas, lights and water systems and secure borders in these backwoods countries that hate Americans. My thought is that we need all of those things here and our tax dollars should be spent on those things here. Answer, Stop the wars. Now! And,-that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D.,O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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