The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

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Friday, September 10, 2010

American Politicians-Keep Your Nose Out of Other Countries Business


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Our lawmakers should keep their nose out of other sovereign nations business, especially when America tries to shove our way of life, democracy and culture down other peoples throats.

We pe-emp military strikes against other countries saying that we (America) will spread our democracy to those other countries using the excuse that it's better than what they have. How arrogant our politicians are.

First, our democracy and our form of government has only been around a couple of hundred years and our lawmakers should realize that some other countries culture and way of life have been around for centuries. In terms of America having a democracy, form of government and culture we are just a baby compared to many other countries. Yet, our politicians want to force these other countries into our way of thinking.

An example: Iran has had their culture and religion dictate their laws for centuries and one of their laws demand that if a woman commits adultery, the penalty is stoning, Saudi Arabia beheads criminals according to their laws and religion. Other countries cane a person. Muslin nations require women to wear a head garment. Yet,we in America and its supposed experts on democracy try to force these countries to change their culture and religion to meet our expectations.

Even some countries have different food preferences than we in America have but our lawmakers try to force those countries to eat what we eat. We may not eat dog, snake, rodents, horse certain insects and a variety of other food choices but people in those other countries do eat those things. That doesn't make them bad people.

Instead of pushing our values, our religious and moral beliefs and our way of government on other countries we should look to clean up our own way of life. Clean our house first.

America has many problems of its own that need corrected. Our administration and politicians should be working very hard to get our own country on track. Suggestion: America, keep your nose out of other countries business.

Since we have only been around with our way of life for about 200 years we could stand to learn a lot from other countries longevity and could in all likelihood gain knowledge and experience by studying other countries culture, belief systems, mores and religious beliefs and maybe, we could even adopt some of their way of life into our system . We in America have to stand up to the test of time like other countries have done for centuries.

I,like many Americans are very proud to be an American and boast about our way of life and government system but I would suggest that is is also important to humble which in many instances is left by the wayside by our lawmakers. It's embarrassing that our politicians chose to "big foot" and stomp into other countries telling them that we know what is best for them and their people.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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