The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Antipsychotic Drugs Used On Small Children:Ridiculous


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

A recent article in the New York Times reported the alarming increase in young children being prescribed "antipsychotic" drugs. Report:, 2009--The Food and Drug Administration study showed more than half a million children and adolescents in the USA are currently taking these antipsychotics.

Columbia University reported a doubling of these bad news drugs being used on kids between 2 and 5 years old. The drugs were covered by private insurance. One of my thoughts: Why are these children being prescribed these antipsychotics this early in life? I personally think it is too soon.

The times referenced a story about little Kyle Warren of Louisiana. At 18 months he was given daily doses of these antipsychotics because he was having temper tantrums.. This resulted into Kyle being given more drugs and different diagnoses such as --autism, bipolar disorder, hyperactivity, insomnia, and oppositional defiant disorder. Wow!

The Times article stated that by the time Kyle was only 3 years old his "daily pill regimen multiplied. He was then given additional medication. Antipsychotic medication Risperdal, antidepressant Prozac, two sleeping medicines and one for attention-deficit disorder." The mother said she was at her "wits end" before agreeing to the medication. Kyle suffered side effects such as: being sedated, drooling, and became overweight. The mother eventually admitted that all she had was a "medicated little boy." She told the Times: "I didn't have my son. It's like you'd look into his eyes and you would see just blankness."

Finally, Kyle was taken to Tulane University Medical School where a physician there disagreed with Kyle's diagnosis of bipolar disorder saying he has never seen a preschool child with bipolar disorder in his 30 years of practice. He also disagreed with Kyle's treatment. Long story short-- Kyle was taken off of all medications except for one drug for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and now Kyle is 6 years old, a month into his first grade and is receiving high scores in school and is laughing and is rambunctious like other children. Side Note: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is another story at another time. I have many varied opinions about that disorder.)

There are numerous reasons why children are given unnecessary drugs. maybe it's because it's less expensive that going to therapy and lets not forget the drug companies very aggressive promotion of a drug regimen for children. The drug companies sales pitches sometimes convince the parents of the need for medicating their children. Parents become desperate on occasion and they look for answers and assistance from wherever they can get it. They want to help their kids.

But remember,it takes a proper diagnosis by the doctor, maybe a combination of therapy and medication will do the trick. But what really sticks out like a sore thumb is that there is an apparent use of antipsychotic drugs being used on our young and adolescent children and it appears the medical profession has to come to grips with that fact and address the concern.

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