The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tell Karzai To Join The Taliban-Call His Bluff


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai says that if the United States does not cease meddling in his countries affairs and continues to pressure him for changes he will join the Taliban. What?

This corrupt politician and his corrupt family who has taken billions of dollars from the United States threatens president Obama's strategy of having a strong, reliable partner in that country to fight the Taliban. The idiot President of Afghanistan doesn't like international pressure.He wants our military, he wants our billions of dollars but he doesn't want the corruption and opium trade stopped.

We shouldn't even be in that country expending over a billion dollars a month and squandering American lives.

My thoughts, let this guy go over to the Taliban and we should take our ball and go home. Those billions of dollars a month we are spending would clearly go a long, long way here at home rebuilding our own bridges, roads, schools and buildings.

Afghanistan and it's different tribes have been warring among themselves for centuries. That is their culture. The different tribes have been jockeying for power and that will not change for centuries to come.

Our problem is that our administration, whether Democrat or Republican have this misconception that we can invade a country and give them democracy and tell them how to live and that our way is their way. Ridiculous!

It appears that many of the people in power and in politics in our country fail to take into account the culture, habits, and social makeup of the people of other countries around the world. These lawmakers and politicians jump to the conclusion that our way is the best way and all peoples around the world should live like we do.

Christ, many of our own lawmakers fail to keep their own families, marriages, and businesses in tact but yet they want expound on the righteous way to have other countries buckle under and live, (according to who)?

The Obama administration should immediately pull all troops out of Afghanistan and stop all of the billions of dollars a month being bled from us taxpayers.

Let this corrupt Karzai carry out his threat and team up with the Taliban and let the warring tribes and different factions in that back woods country fight it out among themselves and then deal with the person and/or group that is left standing.

Why should we allow some clown like Karzai to keep stealing millions, if not billions of our dollars and see him continue to promote corruption and opium sales for his own person gain?

As we coddle Karzai our milk toast lawmakers continue to fail to stop the drug trade in Afghanistan because Karzai keeps telling us that the drug crops is their main export and their farmers need the drug crops to survive--and, we condone that reasoning because the United States doesn't want to hurt his or his countries feelings.

We would save millions and millions of dollars fighting the drug war in Afghanistan if we would take an aggressive stance rather than a piece meal stand and tell Karzai that we are going to destroy all of the opium fields, and do it. How? Fly over every field and drop the proper chemicals and poisons that actually destroy the crop. We have the technology and capability to do the job. Better yet, one napom bomb per drug field.

Once the drug traffickers and drug farmers actually see that we mean business and can wipe the fields out those drug exports would trickle to a near stop. Before the bombing: First, warn Karzai and his drug farmers that the fields are going to be destroyed and people should stay away from the scheduled bombings. Second, on the prearranged date and time, do the job. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that destroying the drug fields swiftly and efficiently would bring a halt to the drug trade. And, that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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