The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Obama Did The Right Thing On Nukes and Space


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

President Obama took a big step forward on two fronts recently. The first, The nuclear summit and second, the space program.

Obama had leaders from 47 countries around the world gathered in a meeting to prevent misuse of nukes and possibly avoid the risk of any nuclear attack. If these world powers that met with President Obama forge a united front against any suspected rogue nation that is even thinking about using nukes,their actions will clearly give that rogue nation pause knowing that the wrath of the world powers will be brought down on them. I believe Obama made a wise move with the summit and sealing a deal with Russia. Kudos to the Pres---

Now, as far as cutting back NASA's plans and their funding to continue to go to the moon. Yes! Another good move by President Obama. Why? Well, according to his speeches recently on the matter he wants to go beyond the moon. He wants to go to Mars and asteroids out there in the last frontier. Kudos again. My thoughts on the issue are that we have been to the moon over and over again. Been there, done that. Our goal and vision should be going above and beyond. Right now, countries like China, India, Pakistan and a few others have a very credible space program in place and if we, the USA do not take the forefront and explore space beyond the moon,we will lose out, big time.

If we don't take the lead to explore Mars and other wonders of deep space China, India,Pakistan, etc., will.

My only concern about President Obama's recent speeches regarding the further exploration of space is that he failed to give a time as to when this important exploration would actually begin. I think he is hedging his bets. He, like many other presidents and all politicians parse their words carefully. He says he "wants" to go beyond the moon. Or, we "should" go beyond the moon. Want and should is great but don't we all believe we want something or should have something? What we need from President Obama is a clear statement such as:"We will go beyond the moon and explore other deep space wonders. The program will begin in (i.e.) 2011, 2012, 2014, etc. What we need Mr. President is clarity, something like JFK did when he took the giant step to go to the moon.

I have yet to see politicians actually take a firm stand on any issue either when they are running for office or after being elected. If you listen closely, they will say such things as: I "would" like to see (whatever issue), I "want" to see (whatever issue)or, we "should" have (whatever issue). Instead, what they should be saying is: I will (whatever issue) and explain how and when they will do it. Promises and wishful thinking by these politicians are not the same as actions. So, in closing, if President Obama is actually going to go beyond the moon and explore the asteroids and deep space he needs to tell us very clearly, "when and how." - And, that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D.,O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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