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Friday, April 30, 2010

Olbermann & Maddow Cable Shows Are Entertainment Shows-Not Real News


LAS VEGAS-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

In response to a question by Louis T., asking me how a person can get independent and quality unbiased news coverage relating to politics from the current cable opinion shows that are on television.

Louis, It appears the current so-called opinion shows on television clearly are not the place to get relevant and substantial news of the day and/or a fair assessment of political news. I believe a person only receives a smattering of useful news reports through these type of shows. These so-called opinion shows are nothing more than an "entertainment" show.

As an example, three shows come to mind. They are the Keith Olbermann Show, the Rachel Maddow Show, both on MSNBC and the third is the O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Network.

In my opinion I feel that these three shows are partisan. To explain, I have watched the Fox network, particularly the O'Reilly Factor for over a year and found that it only offered a very strong partisan Republican slant on politics. There was never ever a time I could see any information being presented that complimented any Democratic or Independent view,policy or agenda relating to any issue being discussed in any way.

Compared to major network stations like NBC News, ABC News, CBS News and cable CNN who present news and politics I think these shows fall short.

I would not call Fox News a news show. It appears they pretend to be a news show by having the word "news" in their title and claim to be "fair and balanced" but it appears all they do is have their hosts read teleprompters with the party line which is only favorable to the Republican agenda. And, that applies to all of the hosts on Fox News. I personally cannot see any of Fox News hosts as "journalists" or "investigative reporters." I view them as opinion commentators reading material promoting the party line of one political party, the Republicans.

As to the Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow show. Louis, they are just as bad. I've watched the Keith Olbermann show for years and watched the Rachel Maddow show ever since she got her own show after filling in for Olbermann occasionally.

These two shows on MSNBC started out fine. They seemed fair early on but as the years went on both shows morphed into a Democratic partisan platform. So, in my opinion, what Fox is to the Republican Party, the Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow show and MSNBC are to the Democrat Party. Neither one of these shows represent an independent and/or unbiased take on issues. It's not uncommon for Olbermann and/or Maddow to ridicule, make fun of, or belittle lawmakers, personalities and guests and issues on their show. I see these two shows as strictly geared for entertainment purposes only hoping to grab ratings. The hosts of these two shows make funny faces or try gimmicks that takes away from the value of the subject matter being presented.

Keith tries to be funny and apparently sees himself as a comedian. At times he yells and frequently makes snide comments about people and/or the subject matter he is reading about if it doesn't fit the Democratic agenda. He also constantly rips Fox Network and belittles O'Reilly even though his show is really not much different than O'Reilly's show. O'Reilly pushes the Republican talking points and Olbermann pushes the Democratic talking points.

Olbermann tries to mimic voices like "a wanna be Rich Little" as he attempts to get his point across. He has set up a scenario where he has an ongoing running battle with Bill O'Reilly , Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and uses his funny voices, snide remarks, insults and comedy props to pander to the Democrats who enjoy watching his slap stick comedy. So my opinion, The Olbermann Show- "Entertainment", "Yes", substantial news coverage, "No." However, Olbermann's special comments segments are an entirely different story. When he gets serious and stops trying to be a clown or funny man he can really relate. I would like to hear special comment segments complimenting not only the Democratic agenda but also the Republican agenda.

I submit that both parties do some good. The Republican Party is not "all bad" and the Democratic Party is not "all bad" but you would never know it watching these two cable giants bad mouthing each other.

I think that squandering valuable air time on a purported news/politics show that is only entertaining and one-sided is a waste. Covering current news and politics from an unbiased perspective would be refreshing and much more interesting.The guy certainly has the talent to to do just that if he chose to.

The Rachel Maddow Show? I think she mirrors the Keith Olbermann Show quite a bit. She too, like Keith, tries to be funny. She also tries using gimmicks and props to grab viewers attention rather that reading nonpartisan issues and events. Like Olbermann she tries try to play "got you" hosting.

When these opinion commentators,-for example,The Rachel Maddow Show finally does have a guest agree to appear on the show to offer their position on an issue she and her research staff have pictures, clips, etc., preset up to embarrass or ridicule the guest when discussing the particular issue. I should say here that Fox News also plays the "got you" game when they have a guest from the Democratic party.

It appears that these partisan hosts have their research people dig up anything that could belittle, embarrass and discredit the guest. That's sad. And, some of the questionable research is sometimes 20 and 30 years old. Rather than letting the guest present their side of an issue it looks like they would rather throw up materials that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

I've observed on occasion, that if the guest is talking and presenting their side of an issue the hostess apparently doesn't want the guest to complete their view and looking flustered she waves her hands frantically saying, "let me talk" only wanting to follow her prearranged setup to play"got ya."

Yes, Fox news does the same thing. I've seen segments where O'Reilly had his staff bushwack lawmakers and personalities to embarrass, discredit and belittle them. That's the trouble with these partisan entertainment shows.

It is actions like these that stop Democrats from appearing on Fox News and Republicans appearing on MSNBC. There is no way those people could get their voices heard and have a fair hearing without being caught up in a "got you game" and/or belittled and ridiculed.

Fox News says it is "fair and balanced." It appears to me there is nothing fair and balanced about a partisan Republican platform. As for MSNBC, Maddow says people are "treated fairly" and Maddow says MSNBC is the place for politics. I doubt that unless you want one-sided politics geared only toward the Democratic spin. If you believe Fox News is "fair and balanced and MSNBC's Olbermann and Maddow shows and other MSNBC shows treat guests and issues fairly I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.

In my view these three shows are not news worthy nor are they a place where a person can depend on actual relevant material for informative news and political information unless you're either a Republican or a Democrat and in that case you have the choice of either Fox News or MSNBC. These shows resemble a cheap entertainment comedy show where people can watch each of them blast each other and pounce on the opposite parties views and agendas.

I have been an Independent voter since I was old enough to vote over these many years and I wonder where the independent, nonpartisan, unbiased commentator is?

If I had a television show and knew I had the opportunity to use valuable airtime to present my case I would strive to have both sides heard (without ridicule, embarrassment and belittlement, funny games, comedy props or funny voices) so as to insure that the guest, whether a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or a known personality would return at a later time.

For example, I would allow a person offering the Republican perspective to answer my question and then I would allow the person with the Democrat or Independent view answer my question. I would do it without filibusters by either guest. A moderator should have control of the show and insist they answer the question or move to another question and let the television viewing audience actually make up their mind as to which guest was more credible and forthright.

I would not have the same old talking heads appear for any analysis as these opinion entertainment shows do. The three shows discussed here most always have the same analysts appear and it clearly appears these analysts will spout the party line and agree completely with the host. How many times does the viewing audience hear these same repeat analysts tell the host- "I agree with you totally," or "you're absolutely right."

There is a vast array of talented experts on most any subject matter out there and if it were me I would make certain the audience heard from a varied pool of analysts, including from time to time, views from the Main Street public and everyday middle class people from across the nation.

So, Louis- For you to gather an unbiased view relating to news, current events and politics, I woulds suggest you look to the newspapers and major network news. As to television I would suggest you stick with ABC, CBS and NBC news on the major networks and CNN on cable.

Again, from my point of view the three shows mentioned here can only be classified as " strictly for entertainment." However, if you really want jokes and real comedy and entertainment delivered with your news and politics fix I would suggest "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and the "Colbert Report. They actually do what they purport to do - They really deliver good comedy with their news, politics and current events.

I'm clearly disappointed with MSNBC for becoming so partisan. I have been watching NBC television over 60 years and I always depended on NBC to present news and politics with out partisanship.- And, that's my opinion. You nake your own decision. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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