The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Arizona Bill 1070: It should Be The Law of the Land


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Kudos to Arizona Governor Brewer, State Senator Russell Pearce and the Arizona legislature in passing Bill 1070 strengthening the immigration status in Arizona.

I only hope that Governor Brewer doesn't buckle under pressure from all of the naysayers, the various illegal immigrant groups and the Hispanic organization like LaRaza that completely support the illegal aliens entry into the United States.

If the government would have taken on this issue over 15 years ago and actually built a "real, physical" fence along our Southern border, with proper check points checking identification, jailing the illegals and deporting them this legislation would not have come about.

Currently there are at least 460,000 illegal aliens living in Arizona. Thirty percent of the population is now Hispanic and the majority of them are illegal.

There are Mexican drug dealers and gangs and human traffickers pushing across our Southern border and are often engaged in firefights with our Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officers. There are even Mexican military units violating our borders. They have crossed into the Unites States and fired on Americans in Texas and Arizona. That should not have happened-it should never happen.

When the President and all of these blowhard politicians take office they take an oath to protect and secure our borders from invasions but they close their eyes to the death and destruction being perpetrated against American citizens and law enforcement officers on our southern borders today. They ignore the severe situation in the name of pandering for Hispanic votes. The statistics point out that by 2035 the majority of the people in this country will be of Hispanic descent and these idiot lawmakers only see votes from this segment of society.That is why Obama and his cohorts want to give amnesty to over 14 million illegal aliens currently living here in the United States. The 14 million figure is really conservative because there are some analysts that suggest there are between 12 and 21 million illegal aliens in the United States right now and growing each and every day.

It's ironic that the administration can set up and protect borders in Iraq, Korea, Afghanistan, Bosnia and other countries but cannot set up border protection in our own country.

The lawmakers have no real incentive to secure our borders because they fear a backlash and loss of votes from the Hispanic community. That's a sad commentary, but true.

One of the arguments from the people that dislike Arizona bill 1070 is that a person shouldn't have to be asked for identification. What? Currently every person living in the United States is subject to being asked for identification by law enforcement officials any day of the week. The first thing a person is asked for is their drivers license.I think all races who were ever stopped by law enforcement can attest to that. A person is asked for I.D. in most banks, stores, businesses and government offices in every state across this country as a regular course of doing business. If we go out of the country we have to show a passport and/or birth certificate when returning. Showing identification to law enforcement or government officials and/or their agents doesn't violate anyone's civil rights. Personally, I have no problem whatsoever about showing my drivers license, passport, birth certificate or other forms of legal identification to the law. I'm proud to show the document to let people know I am a proud legal American.

It should be noted that other countries actually have persons carry an identity card to move about their country, especially in the Middle East. Those countries authorities want to know who the person is that is entering their sovereign territory, where they reside and what that person is up to while in their country.

When I traveled to Europe I had to surrender my passport at each and every hotel I stayed at in each country. As I traveled by bus soldiers and law enforcement would board the bus to check my identity. The same applied when I traveled on a train or in a car.

Another argument from the Hispanic community is that law enforcement officers would use racial profiling. That's a lame excuse. Law enforcement has to have reasonable and probable cause to stop a person and request their identification. If a person is in the act of committing a crime or is violating driving laws they should be stopped and questioned and if they are found to be illegally in this country they should be booked, their photo and fingerprints should be placed in a data information system so the government has a record of the person being detained and who is in this country illegally and then that individual (s) should be deported.

Seventy percent of the people in the United States agree with this new Arizona law. I would hope that other states adopt the same type or similar law. I really think that is what the illegal alien and its supporters are afraid. They fear that other states will move in the same direction as Arizona.

My view, if a person isn't committing a crime and is in the United States "LEGALLY", then there is nothing at all to be afraid of if they are asked to show their identification. They show their identification when asked and move on. But if they are committing a crime and are stopped and questioned and found that they are in the United States illegally, they should be afraid.The illegal alien is the only one that has to be concerned about showing proper identification.

I would also say that since the past few administrations failed to do their job and secure our borders the matter should be left to each individual state.

Let each state legislate how they want to handle illegal aliens who are currently bankrupting and closing down most hospitals, especially in the border states because of the free medical care they gouge out of us taxpayers. An example, the medical care alone at one hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada is on the hook for millions of dollars a year for such things as dialysis, heart procedures and other major traumatic care. People, the illegals receiving these expensive treatments do not pay a dime. The care is being given free to illegals. An illegal does not pay for the free education their illegal alien children are receiving. We the taxpayer pick up the tab and we are the ones that have to pay for all of the extra teachers to teach the illegals English, which those same illegals often refuse to speak.

Don't forget all of the free social services, benefits and government services the illegal is receiving. That's WRONG! The illegal gets most every thing free and the legal citizen pays their freight. Who wouldn't like free dialysis,or free major medical operations or have our children catered to free of charge? California is a great example of the burden illegals place on state budgets. The state is on the verge of bankruptcy. I submit that if California would cease all free education, and free medical care to all illegals, just those two things would save the state billions of dollars. But, it appears the nanny state wants to continue the budget breaking practice.

Arizona did the right thing. It should be the law of the land. Finally, do not let these pandering politicians give "amnesty" to millions of illegals.If that happens those millions and millions of illegals will be automatically put on our social service rolls and clearly drain our social security and medicare system just as quickly as water running through a sieve And, - That's my opinion.

Bradley Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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