The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, January 2, 2020



LAS VEGAS: Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Our lawmakers and politicians in Washington had better wake up and face reality regarding China.
Folks, CHINA is our mortal adversary. Don't believe the propaganda out of the money grubbing lawmakers in Washington that  tell you China is our friend and a friend of the United States. These Washington lawmakers who tell you that in all likelihood have their hands in the cookie jar of the Chinese money they are receiving to promote China as a friend.

One of the biggest offenders of going soft on China is Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell and his wife.Elaine Chen, who is currently Secretary of Transportation. Allegedly, both have money interests tied to China. McConnell's wife's father, Dr. James S.C. Chao currently owns a shipping company called "Foremost Group" and has his fingers is many other businesses in China. Apparently, the McConnell's make quite a bit of  money from these Chinese interests. Thus, McConnell always has a blind spot and protects his and his family interests and dealing with China.

McConnell and his wife are only one example of lawmakers dealing with the Chinese to enrich themselves. I have said it before and I will  say it again, and to anyone who will listen.
CHINA IS OUR MORTAL ADVERSARY, THEY ARE OUR ENEMY. But the Washington establishment and  a number of big business entities refuse to act against China. The main reason is MONEY.

Currently China has teamed up with Russia and believe it or not, also Iran, to collaborate in military exercises, working together as one  mass force. And I pose the question? What do  you think these three nations uniting together plan to do in in the future? Well, my answer is very simple. Use that tag team consolidation against us, the United States. I made the prediction years ago and have mentioned it in numerous blogs of mine that this would happen. There will come a time in the not to distant future when China decides to conduct a military attack on America. And when they do they will tag team together with Russia, Iran, and even North Korea against us here in America.

China has been itching to take us on for years and in using a surge, surprise attack against America with a combined nuke and cyber, hyper-sonic  war with their accomplices of Russia, Iran, and North Korea we, the United States will have an up hill battle on our hands defending our own soil. That's one  good reason why we should be out of Iraq and Afghanistan. I suggest that we need our troops on the ready protecting  the United states and our own homeland, not spending billions and billions of dollars in each of those God forsaken countries.

Remember, China is and has been having a  massive military build-up  for years according to and on target in their 100 year program plan. In addition, China has already out maneuvered us in  many ways. They have a large advantage over us already in  Artificial Intelligence (AI), they already have military capability to actually snatch and destroy satellites operating in space, and as  far as electronics and phone capabilities China had an edge on the United States with innovations within that area. China has a distinct military and communications advantage over the United States.

A lot of this progress by China is because during the Clinton administration he allowed Google, Apple, and other big tech companies to operate in China and to operate under Chinese rules and regulations. Clinton and his administration also gave China access to aerospace  technology from Boeing, he also gave machinery and U.S. innovations to China saying they were our friends and we can share these secrets and innovations with them. What a joke! A big mistake on Clinton's part. Over the past 30 years, due to Washington's policies regarding China that country has excelled and  moved at lightening speed ahead of us here in America .

Keep in mind, in addition to all the advances China has made by their intellectual theft of United States property they continue to keep stolen research flowing to China by acts of continued espionage and spies within our country. Chinese students, teachers and researchers are mandated by the Communist Chinese government to act as spies and steal and send valuable information, innovations research and technology from our American scientists, aerospace, scientific medical, military installations, colleges and universities and pharmaceutical centers back to China. And guess what, the U.S. government has failed to stop China from stealing this information.  The lawmakers and Washington bureaucrats lacks any comprehensive strategy for dealing with the threat.

My position is: The FBI and our intelligence agencies along with our lawmakers should have a  consistent and effective way of alerting and give a severe warning to colleges, universities, aerospace industries, and research and scientific centers to this serious and ongoing threat from the Chinese people and Chinese government relating to the Chinese economic and industrial espionage. Mist of all cut all business ties with China.

We really do not need China. They need us more than we EVER needed them. China USED us all these decades to their own advantage and to gain access to American know how, military and defense secrets, medical and scientific research, and access to our academia communities. We could cut off all  trade with China and still survive successfully. We here in America could get back to building and buying American made products once again. Our slogan once was "Made in the USA. Hell, American workers could do it again and enjoy the same prosperity we once had.

In addition to cutting all ties with China I suggest that one important move our lawmakers in Washington can take to help stop this theft of secrets being committed by the Chinese right now is to have any and all Chinese officials within the United States immediately notify our State Department prior to any contracts they plan to have with any American university, college, American educators,  researchers and research and scientific centers,medical institutions and centers think tanks, defense and military organizations or installations, as well  as aerospace industry employees. And we should not allow the Chinese to work and/or study in areas just mentioned herein.

Work being funded by United States government departments and entities have been stolen by Chinese doctors, researchers and scientists that have working in those centers of medical, educational and  academic institutions and sent or  hand delivered our secrets back to China, then obtained patents in China on our American  research they stole. Other Chinese spies that have worked or are still working in our universities, research , scientific centers, in our defense industry, our aerospace industry have went back to China and actually set up labs in China and then secretly duplicated our American work product as their own.

And folks, remember, any Chinese person here in the United States is under order and directed by mandate issued by the Chinese communist government to act as a spy for their country, no matter what occupation they hold. A Chinese man living in Hayward, California was recently charged with being an illegal foreign agent and delivering classified  U.S. national security information to China. He is not the only one. There have been Chinese doctors, both men and women that have been caught spying or committing espionage,  Chinese professors and teachers, Chinese aerospace employees, Chinese working on military installations, Chinese working as lab technicians in our hospitals and research institutions  stealing and committing espionage and taking the secrets back to China. The list could go on and on as to the occupations or titles these Chinese thieves held.

People, when the Chinese receive all of this stolen intellectual property, and defense and military secrets that our hard working American innovators  produced, they reproduce it and us that same American technology and  innovation against us here in America.

When the Chinese team up with foes like Russia and Iran and North Korea you can bet they will share all of our stolen technological,  our industrial and medical secrets with their new partners in order to mass a standing military might fighting force of their combined countries with an "all against one" policy.

Just look what Russia did recently: Russia developed an intercontinental weapon that can fly---and GET THIS, it flies 27 times the speed of sound, which will boost Russia's nuclear striking capability. This hyper-glide vehicle is a dramatic breakthrough for Russia. Russia  calls it the Avangard.

Also note that in addition to this new Russian advanced weapon a similar weapon system has already been developed in CHINA.However,  China's  tested hypersonic glide vehicle system, called Dong Feng 17 and DF-17 is capable of traveling at lest five times the speed of sound and it is improving the system daily.

Putin made the comment that Russia's hypersonic weapon, along with other newly developed weapons in Russia's arsenal will actually render our missile and conventional weapon defense systems useless.  Should the United States military and Defense Department be concerned. I say, YOU  BET. Hell, Russia's new hypersonic glide vehicle uses new composite materials to withstand temperatures up to 3,630 degrees Fahrenheit as it travels through the atmosphere on its way to the target. It travels to the target like a meteorite, resembling a large "fireball." Unlike current missiles around the world, this Russia development can make sharp turns and maneuvers on its way to the specific target. This particular weapon can also carry  a nuke weapon of up to 2 megatons. And you can bet China is not far behind Russia.

We  are so far behind China and Russia when it comes to new innovation in weaponry, artificial  intelligence (AI), communication systems, and cyber systems it is a sad and frightening situation. Yet, here we are sending our military to all of these forsaken areas around the world trying to turn these countries into a democracy, and we fiddle while Rome burns. We spend TRILLIONS of dollars in Iraq, BILLIONS of dollars in Afghanistan and BILLIONS of dollars in Syria and neglect our own Homeland defenses. Our military is spread so thin around the globe that we will  have very tough time fighting one countries military, let alone THREE or more, AT ONE TIME.

I have said it many times before and will continue to yell it from the mountain tops.  "CHINA is coming for us. But still our lawmakers continue to poo-poo the thought that this is happening and disregard all the warning signs that China has taken to actually set up for an attack on America. Lawmakers and the Washington establishment are making the same they made  when the Japanese used their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. You would think these lazy politicians would learn from the past. However, I would say they are like the three monkeys that see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.  I submit one day these same Washington blowhards and our military Pentagon armchair warriors will come to regret their ignorance and realize they should have taken action and recognized the threat posed by CHINA. If I had to make a prediction I would say that the Washington lawmakers and Pentagon military complex will only realize their missteps only after an intercontinental missile, or a hypersonic missile warhead blows away one or more of our cities.
I can only hope that these lawmakers and those in the Pentagon wake up and take some of my suggestions I mention in this blog  and get the CHINESE THREAT under control. And, that's my opinion. I suggest you read this blog and come to your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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