The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, January 20, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the  world treating you?

Are you like me and see problems with Bernie Sanders becoming president of the United States?

This guy is too far up in age to begin four or eight years as president. In my opinion he is not physically fit to maintain a presidential schedule and care to the needs of the nation.

First, as we all know he recently had a heart attack on the campaign trail  and another problem I see with Bernie is that he has  a very serious problem of hearing. If you, like me, have watched some of his sit down interviews and debate participation you may have noticed that he strains to hear the questions asked of him and he tends to lean in toward the questioner in order to hear. In addition he often and frequently cups his hand behind his ear to hear the questions asked.

Can you imagine Bernie sitting only a few feet or less from  another world leader and straining to hear some important life altering decision for our country. Could he hear it correctly? Who knows? It's anybody guess.

And, you have to remember, at his advanced age and already suffering with a heart condition that actually caused a heart attack, along with his difficulty hearing there may be many other medical problems rearing their ugly head that we are should be aware of. That  my friends is the natural progression of life and advanced age. But he will have people vouch for his  physical condition just so he can run for president. What do you think he backers and sponsors will say? They will not admit to any possible or ongoing physical/mental impairment afflicting Bernie.

As for those people they will say, Bernie's health condition should not be a  matter to consider when electing a president, I would say it is a big deal. President's and contenders for president from prior years have always had their health condition questioned to assure the voter they they were physically fit enough to perform the  heavy burden of making life and death decisions for the country and its citizens. Another problem with a person who is physically dysfunctional and running for, or being president, is the matter of their pick of Vice-President. Question- Would that person be capable of stepping in and handling the job?

Remember,Bernie has said if he is president he will appoint left wing people to his administration, specifically saying he would appoint congresswoman AOC to a very high level position in  his administration. And AOC is as radical and left leaning as you can get. She appears to be a die hard radical socialist with the same communist, socialist views as Bernie espouses.

Sander's is also a hypocrite because his  constant campaign mantra that his yells out at every campaign stop is: "We have a corrupt political establishment." Really? Hell, he has been a part of that same political establishment for over 35 years. He has been in Congress for decades feeding at the trough of that same "corrupt political establishment." He is part of that same corrupt swamp. So people should look at Bernie with a jaundiced eye and be suspect of what he says.

Personally, I would not vote for Bernie because he promotes communism. In my opinion Bernie is a hard nosed communist and always has been. Hell, he honeymooned in Communist Russia and has always pushed the communist radial party line for decades.

So, Bernie doesn't get my vote. His advanced age, his physical condition and problems which I predict will only get worse as the days and years go on, along with his Communist socialist agenda gets a thumbs down.

And for those that think the country will come first and be foremost in Bernie's mind-NEWS FLASH!! If it is a  choice between his illnesses and health condition or making a life changing decision for our country, IT WILL BE HIS HEALTH. That will be first and foremost in this guys mind. Folks, that is a natural reaction for anyone suffering any physical condition. When anyone is suffering from a medical condition, that condition is the first concern on that persons mind. That person is thinking about their health problems and condition and how it is going to be treated, how it is currently affecting them and that person CANNOT give proper attention to their work. And, that's my opinion. You consider and make your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be resched by email at:

areas  going on in their life. That is human nature people.It happens.

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