The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, November 4, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Well, California is sinking into squalor and disgusting conditions even further under  Governor Newsom and his liberal colleagues who run California. We see fires raging and ravaging the entire state and have Governor Newson fiddle  around while the state burns down around everyone and also have the utility company PGE shutting off power to thousands of homes, causing disruptive inconvenience to both residences and businesses, courtesy of the Governor and the California lawmakers.

These liberal politicians and lawmakers  in California have been mismanaging the state for decades, AND, the people of California put up with this gross mismanagement and keep electing the liberal lawmakers  to office. Go figure?

It's because of the incompetent people  like the Governor running the state exercising their over generous policies that is destroying California. I can speak of the drastic change because I was once a resident of California. I lived there for over 30 years, so I can attest what California used to be like and what it is NOW.

Keep in mind, in all the years that I resided in California we always had the very strong winds every year. And we had wild fires each and every year. The Santana winds and wild fires is a given in California. And, even thought we had strong heavy winds and wild fires we ALWAYS had power and utilities. There was no power shut downs to fight fires. Years ago the utility companies were managed effectively and they made the proper investments that were needed to make the utilities more durable.

Now, PGE blames their shut downs on high winds and wild fires. They say they need to do it. What a cop out. They mismanaged the utility for decades and failed to cut back growth around and near their equipment or place power lines underground.  I submit the only reason PGE are penalizing the customers and cutting power willy-nilly is to protect themselves. They are afraid of LAWSUITS people. They know, and are afraid their equipment is causing the fires.

Further if PGE had  managed their company like a prudent entity and would have stayed on top of the situation and made the  investments  required to keep the power on to each and every household and business in the state there would be no need to cut power and cause both emotional and financial hardships to people and business just to protect their own butt.

Remember, this is America, not some third world country. Utilities across the country have always provided  good , reliable and uninterrupted  service to households and business across this nation despite, and through fires, floods, high winds, etc., for over 100 years. Citizens of this country paid their taxes to the governments so they could expect an uninterrupted constant flow of electric, gas, water and communications (phone).

But it appears PGE is  attempting to set a precedent where they can shut off power when they feel like it, to protect their bottom line. ITS THE MONEY FOLKS. And then they play the blame game-- It's not PGE's fault. It is the wind and fires. So they say. But the simple fix for PGE is they really have to clean up all the brush and debris from around their equipment and spend the billions of dollars in profits they have been making on upgrading their equipment and lines ( place lines underground) and bring PGE into the 21st. century. AND, Governor Newsom clearly has to handle forest management much, much better. Due to his gross mismanagement of the California Department of Forestry it has  produced and resulted in these horrendous forest fires.

Fact is, my personal opinion is that President Trump and his administration should refuse to send any further federal funds to California until the Governor steps up and has the forestry service trim, clean and remove and cull out any and all dead trees, bushes and brush in the forests. That would be PROPER forest management and it would certainly prevent forest fires across the state.

It never ceases to amaze me that these liberal states who bad mouth and condemn the President, America policies, and hate the President  and who fail their state duties and the citizens of the state are the first one with  hat in hand and their hand out screaming and begging for the administration and  federal money when disaster occurs.

California has always threatened secession from the union. I'm all for that move. Why don't they secede? Good riddance, I say. That way they can have their own little country with all of their liberal laws as and judges all to themselves.  I suggest that if  they have s much excess funds to run the state as the Governor claims, I say let them do it. Maybe then they will keep all of their liberal and socialist  views within their own borders and not infect the other states in our Republic, our Union.

What the people of California need to do is start realizing that the liberal politicians who run the state have to be dumped, voted out of office. Try something new people. Put in lawmakers and politicians that know how to run a business and have an entirely different view on  how to grow the economy,curb all free give-a ways, like free health care, free education,welfare, to illegal aliens, take a different approach to getting the homeless out of the tents and off of the streets. There are politicians in California that can and will return the state to rule of law and provide for all American citizens instead of giving illegal aliens preference over the American citizen.

California in the past used to be run very efficient by politicians and lawmakers who looked out for the citizens of the United States. There was a time when there were no people living in tents and sleeping bags on the streets in California. Citizens did not have to see,walk around and over people taking a poop or pee  on the sidewalk.

The Governor of California has indicated that the State General Fund has an excess. I say, use that excess for the mentally ill people sleeping and pooping in the streets and criminals committing crimes like shoplifting, theft and assault who are not being arrested because of the Governor and his ilk is forbidding law enforcement to arrest the offender. All of this is happening only because the Governor and his comrades in Sacramento allow these things to happen while they themselves live behind gated walls with bodyguards to protect their way of life segregated from all of the turmoil that everyone else is experiencing.

People in California, you have to demand that the Governor an his colleagues in Sacramento address the issue with PG&E and insist they mandate that PG&E take immediate action to put their equipment underground and also demand  PG&E STOP the power shut-offs, clean up  around where PG&E  power lines currently are located. And, I further suggest that if  PG&E power equipment is the start of any fires, they are held accountable. If that is lawsuits. Tough. They are in the business to provide power. It is up to PG&E to be responsible for maintaining their equipment and lines. That is part of doing business. It is not the power customers fault  if they have been mismanaging with the blessing of the Governor and the liberal lawmakers in the capitol. - And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and come to your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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