The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, January 28, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The Federal workers that were furloughed for 35 days is whining and crying the blues and griping that they're pinched for finances. Well news flash--who isn't.

These federal workers  really know how good they got it but they still gripe and complain. They just had a very brief taste of what any worker in the private sector goes through each and every day, except when they get furloughed  or laid off they" do not" get paid for the time they were  off the job. Fact is, if they are one of the lucky employee's that get called back to work they cannot expect to be paid for all the time they were off the job. Big difference folks.

I have seen  people working in the aerospace industry laid off or furloughed for 6, 9, and 12 months at a time, sometimes longer with no guarantee of being called back when they are told to  leave. It also occurs quite frequently with those working in large department stores, retail centers and  corporations, And guess what? They are not promised to be paid for the time they were out of work. These people usually have to collect unemployment and some stay  on unemployment rolls for possibly a year or more,or they go out and find other work until they are called back on the job.

I submit that these federal employees could  have filed for unemployment or  seek employment elsewhere to carry them over KNOWING that they are the privileged few that will received money for all time they were off the job.

Many federal employees that were interviewed over the past month said they were hurting for money but said they "did not" want to take a job elsewhere because  it was beneath them. WHAT? I say a job is a job. Anything to make ends meet . But many of the fed workers thought working in the private sector to put food on the table and pay the rent was a step down. They would rather ask every other citizen in America to help them and provide free food, clothing and other care. And, they lined up and took it. Wow! I say, what about all the people that  work in the private sector that has no chance of recouping  pay for the time they're off the job. Nobody gives them money, food, clothing and care between jobs. They are on their own.

These fed workers receive a super salary, benefits and pension package that we in the private sector can only dream about and will never receive. Yet they whine, gripe and complain over only a 30-35 days absence from the job like they're losing everything the have. Ridiculous! They should experience the pain and anxiety that  people in the private sector feel that do not have a federal guarantee of getting paid for not working and have been furloughed or laid off  for  6 months, a year or more. Those people will never be made whole by their time off.

These federal employees want you to think they are the only ones hurting. Are you kidding me? Situations like theirs is played out each and every day across this great land to people not working for the federal government and the federal employees do not come to their rescue and provide them with free food  and meals at restaurants and other freebies.

If these coddled federal employees had to have a taste of working in the private sector "without the guarantees" they now receive, they would realize what  the reality of life  is all about. - And, that's  my opinion.  Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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