The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, January 21, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Well folks,  currently there is one immigrant caravan of approximately 2000 people and still growing in size along their trek through Mexico.Plus there is already three other caravans forming in Honduras and other Central American countries, ready to cross into the United States either lawfully or unlawfully according to many of the immigrants now in those caravans. Imagine, they are ready and willing to illegally cross our sovereign borders. People, we can't have people with that attitude coming into America. If they intend to break  our laws even before they get to the border crossing, what does that say about their intentions once they cross our borders? That says to me, they will have no compunction about breaking our laws by lying, cheating and what every it takes to receive free food, money, benefits, healthcare, housing and schooling for their children. That's WRONG.

As long as the lawmakers in Washington, mainly the Democrats and the Speaker Pelosi crowd refuse to cooperate with President Trump and  fix our immigration fiasco, these migrant caravans will continue to come to America. The Democrats  hate President Trump so much they refuse to cooperate  out of SPITE, afraid he will continue to fill his election promises to the American people.

As I suggested  in an earlier blog President Trump should declare a national emergency. He should not wait  any longer. The large influx of these caravans continually coming to America  cannot be sustained.

President Trump should also immediately stop and cut all foreign aid to each and every Central American country sending their people to America in these unwarranted caravans. THAT INCLUDES MEXICO.

The leaders of those countries could halt these caravans very quickly and especially Mexico, they could stop all of these caravans at their southern border. But instead, the  current president of Mexico actually left the southern border gates of his country wide open for  the caravans to enter and proceed on to America. What a joke!

Why should the United States pay these countries BILLIONS of dollars in foreign aid each year   while they snub their nose at us, take our money and work against us. How dumb can  this administration be? Stop the foreign aid UNTIL the presidents of these Central American countries and Mexico STOP  allowing these  immigrants and caravans from  massing at our southern border.

I submit that  just one year of the billions of dollars doled out to any one of these countries would quickly pay for the  border barrier (or) WALL on our southern border. And, it would bring these countries back in line to cooperate with the U.S., rather that take us for granted.

Our  country is currently building walls, roads, infrastructure and schools in far off lands around the world for these other countries (at taxpayer expense), yet we cannot  take care of our own border. What is wrong with this picture?

If the Democrats do not vote for the bill the Republicans are going to put forth this week  then is clearly obvious that the Democrats will continue to REFUSE and RESIST president Trump (for the next two years).  He tried everything so far, and offered different deals to the Democrats so it would be  an appropriate time for him to give the State of the Union address on January 29th. and DECLARE  A NATIONAL EMERGENCY and use funds from the various agencies and Defense budget to build the wall/barrier. Even those in the pentagon and defense department may gripe and groan about losing some of their monies, THAT'S TOUGH. They already have a bloated budget that has a lot wasteful spending each and every day. They would not miss 5 billion dollars form their massive budget. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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