The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, August 20, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

On a suggestion from a few friends I was asked to see the movie; KIDNAP, starring Halle Berry,  and give my opinion. Okay  friends, here it is:

Watching Halle Berry's frantic and desperate attempt to put this movie back on life support failed miserably. First off, this film only had a sparse 82 minutes of running time. This film is way, way below Halle Berry's talents. Why she accepted such a dud is beyond me. I guess  the only reason she  took an acting part in this bomb is because she produced it,

Karla Dyson (Halle Berry) is a  stressed out waitress who witnesses her son, 6-year-old son, Frankie, being dragged into a car.So she hops into her minivan, and the chase is on.

Once the pursuit starts,  in the next 40 minutes or so of the movie, Berry, is praying, coming unglued, yelling, and talking to herself, She makes a crash derby look like a walk in the park compared to the number of wrecks she causes.

When she she sees the doped up, two meth heads threaten her son she  lets up on the gas for awhile but loses the car. Then she stops along her way asking people if they saw a man and a little boy. Wow! I mean who hasn't seen a man and a little boy at sometime or the other?

Berry's character (Karla) is clearly not that of a tough, out for blood, type of a person.

As to the movie being a thriller, or full of suspense---No Way. I found it really drab and boring.--I  would say if anyone is looking for a good night of entertainment, they are in for a  surprise.  I'd say, stay away, stay home and watch a good suspense or thriller  movie with a bowl of popcorn in  your lap.

If I had to rate this flopper-roo, on a scale of A to F. I'd give it a big fat E-.  That's my take  on this fiasco my  friends. -- And, that's my decision. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can b reached by email at:

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