The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

What we really need in this country is TERM LIMITS on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court justices should only hold a term of fifteen or sixteen years. There is no reason to have a person sit on the court for 30 years. Partisan politics now have the system rigged to have the president appoint the youngest person they can find so that they can protect and solidify their own  legacy once they leave office.

I suggest that if there were term limits  on Supreme Court Justices, each president during  their eight year term could appoint a justice. The Senate could set up a schedule to appoint a judge  every two years., making the courts composition of nine of the most recent  appointees. With such a rotation and turn  over, both political parties would have a chance to appoint their choices for the seat.

There would always be a justice ready to be seated on the court, and the American people, Congress, and the news media would know that the rotation would  allow for change on the court, rather than allowing for a stacked court, as it is set up today. Plus, if a justice had to retire after 16 r 18 years, there would be no "one" person on the court that could sway influence to one party or the other.

The rotation and appointment of a Justice every two years or so would also account for the possibly of one of the Justices dying on the job, being impeached, or resigning. And, the appointment of a new person every couple of years would allow to Senate to be more open to appoint and accept  the opposing parties nomination.

Plus, my view is that when  some of these Justices sit there on the bench for  25 or 30 years, aging into their 80s and 90s does no one any good. It certainly doesn't do the country any good. When a person is  in the sunset years of their life, in their 80s and 90s, their cognitive abilities clearly are diminished to various degrees, and if the Justice is experiencing any medical problems and/or is in poor health, you can bet that the person mind is not on the job, but instead,  is concentrating on their health problems  and well-being.

Folks, if a Supreme Court Justice is  on the job for 16 or 18 years, that is long enough to consider  the position a career. There are many job positions  out there in the country that mandates  that a person retire after so many years on the job. There are  good reason for limits to be on those particular positions . I say the Supreme Court should have those requirements also. The country doesn't need any aging, ailing, person with a  possible cognitive dysfunctional physiology, impaired individual, who is just  going through the motions, warming a seat,  muddling along, and being carried by their colleagues, for political purpose.

We Americans need, and should expect, fresh blood, and new, young legal minds contributing their expertise to the direction of the  country.    And folks, setting term limits on the Supreme Court Justices and rotating new people every couple of years is the answer. --And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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