The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, October 27, 2014




Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

It looks like Governor Cuomo is back peddling and playing along with Obama and his political correct posse when it i comes to QUARANTINE of suspected Ebola patients. I applaud the Governor of NJ, Chris Christie, for sticking  to his guns. I also applaud Illinois and Florida for deciding to quarantine possible infected Ebola persons.

The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Tom Frieden, falls in line with Obama and tries to rationalize Obama's refusal to quarantine  possible infected people. This guy has been falling down on the job since day one of the Ebola crisis yet Obama continues to  put credence in his abilities. But in reality, Frieden will do and say anything his puppet master (Obama) wants him to say.

I submit QUARANTINE is a MUST. What is the first thing these government health officials said was necessary --- yep, quarantine , and  they did just that with the infected patients.But when it comes to a quarantine on travelers suspected of carrying the lethal disease they use excuse after excuse "not" to quarantine. We have one nurse, Kaci Hickox, who recently returned from an Ebola country who was placed in quarantine and she  cried and complained that the quarantine was "inhumane" and that she's being picked on. She even threatened to sue. And guess what,  she was released from quarantine. The government health officials should have told this whining, nurse to WOMAN UP! Quit your whining and do the 21 days, lady. I have no doubt that her employer would still pay her for the days she was out . Result: The nanny conditioned White House and health officials cave in and agree that there should be no quarantines regarding people  coming in from the Ebola infected countries. Can you imagine?

People, we have no CURE for this deadly virus and until we have a specific, accurate treatment for Ebola it WILL NOT ever be contained. It is no secret that most everything the government talking heads have told the American public so far about  the Ebola virus has been proven to be WRONG and/or untrue.

These muddled health officials led by Obama's cadre' continue to tell us that a quarantine on a national scale will not work, but do you notice these same people quickly QUARANTINE each and every person with EBOLA. It's as simple as 2 plus 2 equals four to a fifth grader. Hell, if there is someone who has Ebola that person should be kept away from those people that DO NOT have Ebola. It's not rocket science - -QUARANTINE  them for the suspected incubation period of 21 days. But the political word from the White House ignores the quarantine issue because they have an agenda.

Folks, so far the government spent approximately $500,000, just on patient Duncan in that Texas hospital for his Ebola treatment. Apparently it costs about $500,000 per patient and we have been treating patient after patient and I predict it will get worse and the cost will continue to rise as the Ebola patients increase. Duncan and his family didn't pay dime one for the treatment. They got a  free pass and I suspect all the other patients that have  been treated will have a ZERO medical bill from the government (courtesy of OUR tax money.)

Dr. Frieden and his colleagues that have been advising Obama should be turned out to pasture, in fact, FIRED would be better. They appear to me to be a bunch of Keystone Cops  blind to the dangers of a serious situation.  All in the name of politics. That's sad.

Governor Christie has it right and those other lawmakers from other states that agree with Governor Christie's position HAS it right - - QUARANTINE the traveler's. Better safe than sorry, right? Once the Genie has been let out of the bottle, it will not be able to be  put back in and contained. Governor Christie is on the right track.  I sincerely hope he doesn't waffle like Governor Cuomo.

Like I preached before in earlier blogs, I said from the start of this Ebola outbreak: AIR TRAVEL BANS is a must. Do not let anyone infected with the Ebola virus into the United States. Treat them at the source in the country where they contracted the deadly virus.  If there is any infected person diagnosed  in  the United States the protocol should be: ISOLATE immediately, QUARANTINE immediately and treat the infected person at ONE specific LOCATION in ONE SPECIFIC FACILITY with a specific team of health care workers.

And finally, any person coming into the United States from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and West Africa countries shoud be QUARANTINED in isolation for the 21 days, away from any and all other people, with the exception of the health care workers observing and working the case. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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