The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, October 17, 2014




Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The Ebola virus still keeps rolling along here in the USA. As I predicted  in earlier blogs there are those people that contract the Ebola disease and fail to report it to health officials UNTIL their symptoms are in the treatment stage. These people only think about themselves. Take  infected nurse, Amber Vinson. She thought nothing about taking a flight from Ohio to Texas. This woman put 70 or more fellow passengers at risk. In fact, the CDC is attempting to track down all of the passengers that was on the same flight as Vinson. Vinson was isolated when the plane arrived in Texas but keep in mind some of those passengers were within THREE feet of this infected nurse. She also exposed relatives and friends once she spent time in Ohio. It is reported that the state of Ohio is now trying to monitor 100 people this woman came in contact with.

The CDC health officials flatly stated that Amber Vinson SHOULD not have flown on  the plane saying she should have known better. But again, this is just another reason to quarantine and isolate ANY possible  infected  person for at least 21 days until the supposedly incubation period of the disease  has passed. Until Dr. Thomas Frieden and his ilk stop allowing  health care workers to voluntarily monitor themselves for the disease this merry-go-round will continue and the Ebola will spread. Health officials  HAVE to mandate and make it an order that anyone working in and around the Ebola patient be monitored by a team set up to do just that one task - - monitor health care workers.

Because of  this woman's total disregard for other people the relatives of Vinson who work at Kent State were asked to remain off campus. Lets see how that works out, right? They should not be asked - - I believe they should be ordered to stay off campus and quarantined for the 21 days in their own residence completely away from the general public. Hell, even  Vinson's apartment had to be decontaminated by teams of workers and all the residents in the building had to be notified. All because of the actions one person, Amber Vinson.  If Vinson was around children they may have been exposed, if so, they should not be allowed inside a school for at least 21 days - - and, I have my doubts regarding the 21 day monitor period. But that's another story all in itself.

Frieden, the director of the CDC, who acknowledged  "LAPSES" in his and other health officials handling of the Ebola outbreak still is  sugar coating the real dangers of Ebola virus. He says:  " The risk to other passengers on the  Frontier Airlines flight  is "very low." To me that is displaying a lack of urgency and seriousness of the disease. And yet, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, the county's chief political officer, said authorities were "anticipating" additional Ebola cases. He went on to say: " We are preparing for contingencies for more, and that is a real possibility."

Folks, you can bet there will be more. I've said that all along but as some health officials  tell America that there is nothing to worry about, other like Jenkins know there is something to worry about but still continue the "rosy glasses" routine.

Finally, I would suggest that the  men and woman that have been infected with the Ebola virus and disregard the welfare and well-being of other Americans by going out among the  masses should be held accountable and prosecuted. If exposing others to a deadly disease is not a crime, I don't know what is. And, I'll say it again and keep saying it until some of these dummy health officials and the administration listen up: That is, ONE LOCATION, ONE FACILITY. Isolation, containment and quarantine is the path to go down. Otherwise we will continue to have  infected patients like DUNCAN, (who lied), and Amber Vinson , who knew better than to fly on an airplane in her condition but did so anyway. It is people like this that will perpetuate the disease, passing it on and on to others. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions, You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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