The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, October 31, 2014




Hello Americas, and how is the world treating you?

Nurse Kaci Hickox, 33,  is in the state of Maine, suing so she can run around among the general public. The state of Maine should not buckle under to this nurses threats. I would think that state health officials rules, regulations and mandates would trump a whining woman's total disregard for the safety of people's health and well being. But it  looks like wrong-minded, uninformed judge Charles LaVerdiere lifted the quarantine for Hickox. What does that tell you about people in the legal system who may have an ax to grind or has a political agenda? Instead of putting the welfare and health of the  people of Maine first this  judge let Hickox have her way as she thumbs her nose at the authorities. That's sad. My view - -nurse Hickox should have been taken into custody as soon as she left the residence. She should not be allowed to defy a quarantine.  Governor  Paul LePage should appeal this judges decision.

I would think if voters vote judges to the bench in Maine they should dump LaVerdiere  next election cycle.  I believe nurse Hickox complaints should have been tossed out immediately by the judge and any judiciary body. If we have judges in Maine that care less about the health and welfare of  its citizens I would suggest that the state of Maine's legislators take action and pass legislation to be certain other  judges follow mandates of health officials. The legislators should  make it perfectly clear that anyone coming in from West Africa be isolated and quarantined for the 21 day period. No excuses.

The judge said: "The court is fully aware of the misconceptions, misinformation, bad science and bad information being spread from shore to shore in our country in respect to Ebola," He also said the court is fully aware  that people are acting our of fear and that this fear is not entirely rational."

Wow!  The judge is suddenly a clairvoyant, a swami,  maybe he's  a latent medical  God of infectious diseases who, from the mountain top, makes his pronouncement that he knows people FEAR Ebola. He states people are acting out of fear when they request and require a quarantine. To him I would say - -No! Judge  LaVerdiere, people in the health community and government officials are acting in a rational manner  by placing restrictions on ANY possible Ebola infected person coming into the USA from West Africa.. These officials are acting in a prudent and reasonable manner when they initiate a quarantine policy. In Hickox's case the health officials and lawmakers were clearly acting to protect Mainers, as a precaution against Ebola. I would suggest that Judge LaVerdiere is the one that is out of touch and does not have the slightest inkling regarding the possible ramifications  of the lethal disease.

Keep in mind nurse Hickox  came home from West Africa and REFUSED to stay home and abide by a voluntary quarantine. She lied and broke  promises she made to state officials - - bluntly speaking, she "lied."

Here's a woman that appears to  be ignorant of the fact that there is a possibility, (no matter how slight,  she could infect the general population if she goes out among  them. Where's her concern for others?  This arrogant nurse, above all people, should have concern for the health and safety of others. But apparently she doesn't. However, it looks as though she wants her 15 minutes of fame in the spotlight so people will recognize her. I would think that in a lot of peoples minds she appears to be a totally untrustworthy person. And, then to top it off,  one of her antics was daring and inviting the media press people to shake her hand, touch her. What a stupid stunt. I would think until there is actual, definitive proof as to how the deadly Ebola can be totally erased from one's body without any recurrence in future all Mainer's and others around the country should consider using caution when interacting with a person that interacted with an infected Ebola patient.

I said it before and I say it again - -even the health official experts in the government does not really know and have a full understanding of the effects of Ebola on an individual. It is all GUESSTIMATES. To date there is no complete treatment and/or cure for this deadly disease  and there are NO  FDA-approved vaccines or cures for Ebola, and the experimental drugs to treat the disease are in the very early stages of development . I submit it would be more than appropriate to err on the side of CAUTION. Thus, quarantines should be imposed on any and all persons arriving from West Africa and definitely should be placed in at least a 21 day quarantine. That includes health care workers.

Will the fatal disease rear it's ugly head again  in a mutated way down the line? Will it, or can it lay dormant in an infected persons body for years and then reappear in some form or manner that was unknown or unexpected by the health care community?  Could that happen? It's possible. The  so-called experts doesn't really know.But if and when it does I predict there will be  a lot of finger pointing.There will be statements such as: "we had no idea that this would happen." "we had no plans for that to occur." "It wasn't our fault, we had no way to predict it."

Just as an example- look at some of the medications doctors prescribe today for various diseases and ailments. They prescribe the drugs saying the medication will help alleviate  and/or cure the disease. Guess what? In many cases, it doesn't. Two, three, four, five -- even ten and twenty years later they find that the medication did not do the trick and in fact did harm to the person and/or a disease has  mutated into another deadly strain. There are lawsuits everyday over bad medications and the damage it caused to a person years earlier. The harm is discovered only years later. By then it's too late. Who knows what the result will be of the medications being used on the Ebola infected patients today? Will they really rid the persons body of all and any traces of the Ebola disease? It's an unknown, people. As i stated before: look at Chicken Pox. It lies dormant in a persons body and then often  reappears causing Shingles, which can cause blindness, nerve pain for life, and even death. Then there is the reappearance of Tuberculosis which is now resistant to present day  medications.Now we are back looking for a cure, again.

I keep  shouting from the rooftops: Any person suspected of being exposed to an Ebola patient should be ISOLATED immediately; QUARANTINED immediately, treated at ONE LOCATION, ONE SPECIFIC FACILITY, by a specif team of health care workers. CONTAINMENT is the name of the game as far as I'm concerned and all of the above steps will accomplish that.

But people, containment with certainty will never happen until the ONE LOCATION, ONE FACILITY is enacted. Again, just within the last 48 hours another suspected Ebola patient was admitted to a Portland, Oregon hospital. I believe that patient should have been sent to a location specific for Ebola treatment rather than a hospital in a major city. The possibility of errors occurring at random hospitals across the country is like an accident waiting to happen.

What I also  disagree with is president Obama scolding Americans  and saying that anyone exposed to Ebola patients should not be isolated and quarantined. He goes on to say that doctors and nurses will not want to go to West Africa to treat and work with Ebola patients if they are going to be isolated and quarantined when they return. What a bunch of gobbly-gook that is. From my experience in the health field I found that doctors and nurses treat patients around the world mainly because they want to do the right thing and adhere to their oath. Being quarantined for  a period of 21 days after return from an infected country is just part of the package and they should know that going in.  Contrary to Obama's view I would say that the dedicated doctors, nurses and health care workers would not  let a 21 day quarantine, observation  period stop their commitment to doing their good deeds.

Obama is  not looking our for the security of Americans when he refuses to have every person  coming into the country from West Africa placed in quarantine for the 21 day incubation time frame. That move would be a prudent, common sense approach and I applaud Governor Christie, officials in Florida and Illinois  for putting in place stringent rules for possible Ebola infected individuals. Even the Pentagon is taking the step to isolate and quarantine military personnel who return from West Africa for the  21 day incubation period. And now Canada is banning flights from West Africa in to their country.  It seems every reasonable country and person is taking legitimate precautions against Ebola but - -Obama refuses to see the benefits and advantages to stop Ebola in America so he sticks to his stubborn point of view with total disregard for Americans.

Folks, it is my opinion that Obama and his  government health officials are just playing politics and wanting to be politically correct. And for him to side with nurse Hickox is a slap in the face for all Americans that expect the government, especially the administration , to protect their health and welfare. Obama says he does protect us  and the government says they do. They pass laws to keep people from smoking; what kids can eat in school; what they are not allowed to eat out of vending machines; what type of oils people fry  their food in. Mrs. Obama even has the government push rules and regulations to have children and people eat cardboard tasting, yucky food in the name of fitness.  This is all in the name of "we know what's good for you." " We'll take care of you Americans from birth to death." That is their battle cry.  YET, when one of the most deadly diseases on the planet is brought to America, Obama,  and his political correct government officials refuse to take a firm, hard stand on the Ebola crisis because they choose to play the voting, politic card. - And, that's my opinion.Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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