The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, October 31, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Obamacare? It's quite obvious the people of America is fed up with it so far. Obama and a few colleagues met in the dark of night in the White House dungeon lab of doctor FRANKENOBAMA to create the monster. In the secret dungeon Obama and his friends in the insurance and  business industries created  the MONSTER piece by piece.  Their was no transparency for the American public. Deals were made behind closed doors without any consultation with us Americans. This Obamacare monster turned out to be an atrocity.

Once Dr. FrankenObama released the monster on the public it began to to ravage millions of people. The Obamacare health website was set loose to soon and it caused  enormous damage to many individuals and businesses across the country Trying to meet deadlines and demands that ALL Americans had to pay for medical care and be enrolled by 2014 was a complete fiasco. In fact, a basic fault was that the security protection of the government website was nil. The personal and private information that people had to provide to the website was not protected nor secure in any way.

There is no reason for that folks (except political) because the government already had numerous websites up and running to handle such things as veterans affairs, senior citizen and social security matters, pension, Food Stamp programs, Welfare, Immigration , E-Verify and tons of other services for  the American people. So why couldn't the government roll out another website that works just as they have been doing for decades?  POLITICS, POLITICS, POLITICS is my answer..

Here's my view - - this Obama care health garbage is not a plan where "one plan fits all." But that is what we can expect to get when the plan is put together in the dark, with not one shred of transparency.

What would have been better folks is a one plan fits all model - -like the current Medicare plan we have in place. Medicare has been working very well for decades and servicing millions of senior citizens without too many problems along the way. I submit that if Obama would have said he would extend Medicare to every individual in the nation and tweaked the program (while cutting out the billions of dollars) of fraud and waste already in the Medicare program - - it would have been much better than what his Obamacare health plan has to offer. A good example of Obamacare's failure is:  (a) Already, insurance companies are finding ways to raise the premiums and costs for every individual that is enrolling in  Obamacare - - and:  (b) Too many lies were made to the American people.

What the devil is supposed to be affordable with this monstrosity?  I say NOTHING! An example for your consideration is; A young couple here in Nevada was paying $142.00 a month for their insurance coverage but after enrolling in Obamacare the premiums shot up to $450.00 a month. Again, what's so affordable about the  Obama's plan? I will make a prediction right now that this couple will probably be paying possibly $600.00 or $700.00 a month within a year once the insurance companies get through with them.

What about the lie Obama perpetrated on the country when he shouted from the podium:  "If you like your current plan, you can keep it."  That was a bare face lie people. The young couple I referenced is living Obama's lie . They could not keep their old plan.

Better yet, a better plan would have been to enroll every American into the SAME  heath care program that currently serves all federal employees, the Congress and the president. Folks, I remind you of what Obama said while running for president. He said on numerous occasions that we Americans should have the same health plan and health care that he and Congress is covered under. But, like Pinocchio he lies and his nose grows bigger and bigger every day. So much for that promise. Right?

I truly believe we Americans should have the same health coverage as president Obama, Congress and  Federal employees. It seems very strange that Obama and Congress can build  this MONSTER in the depths of a  dark dungeon without anyone monitoring its vitals signs, turn it loose on us  Americans and tell us it is what's good for us wile he, Obama, and Congress pass legislation that exempts them from the program. They themselves want to sat as far away from  the Obamacare plan as they can get.

Obama  feels okay to unlease this bits and pieces boondoggle (that's currently not even up and running) on us and demand that we pay for our medical care or be fined while he and Congress say, it's "good enough for you" BUT "not for us."  What is the hell is the matter with this picture people?

I also like to suggest that the president and Congress should have to use the same programs as we, the people have to use. I feel that: "What's good enough for us should be good enough for them."  My question is: If it IS NOT good enoigh for them why should it be good enough for us?

Personally I would likie to see a  SINGLE-PAYER sytem for health care in this country. Come On! the fact is that EVERY other industrialized and civilized nation in the world has  health care  for ALL THEIR CITIZENS - -  (EXCEPT) the Uniited States. 

People, we here in America pay twice as much for health care than every other person in other civilized countries and receive and get only HALF of the satisfactory results of those other countries. people in those other countries that DO have a single-pay system are treated more often and live longer lives. Sure. there are those  who say those other countries make you wait for  treatment but ALL in ALL  those single pay heath systems provide patients with better health care and the chance to lead a healthier and longer life without the stresses of the patient/person having to spend every last dime they earned in their lifetime to pay for a mish-mosh of sporadic heath care that may resuklt in their ealry demise.

Again, I remind you readers - - the President,Congress and the Federal emplyees have such a plan. They literally pay for nothing, (at our expense) while having some of the  top, elite medical practitioners and teams caring for them. Why not us?

With all of the the billions we are wasting on foreign aid, unwarranted wars around the globe, paying corrupt heads of conntries that actuallt hate America we could clearly have health coverage for each and every citizen in the United States. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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