The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, October 18, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Senior citizens are getting screwed again people. The government is giving a Social Security COLA (cost of living) of only 1.5 percent. What a joke. For a couple of years the feds gave  nothing,--  zilch, -- zero in a social security (cost of living) increase and now when they do they give senior citizens  this pittance while Congress people, federal employees and public employees all over the nation (thanks to their unions) received and will received COLA's ranging from three (3) percent through ten (10) percent. Now folks, tell me that's fair?  Equality? There is none.

Where is the parity and equity when it comes to  receiving annual cost of living increases? It appears that this administration and the president has no qualms about looking out for themselves but when it comes to people depending on Social Security they turn a blind eye. Senior citizens are the forgotten masses as far as our government is concerned.

What this administration and the president should realize is  that the graying population and all of us seniors across the country have a very powerful voting block. I wish though that  this group would rise up and say enough is enough. Stop voting for the same old people. I wish the seniors would see that whether the lawmaker is Republican, Democrat or Independent, vote his incumbent butt out of office. Vote an entire new slate of lawmakers in to office. Give the new guys and gals a chance. They couldn't do worse than those that are in Congress already. In fact, just recently two Congress people died. When Congressman, C.W. Bill Young died -  -guess what? He had 43 YEARS in Congress. The second Congressman, Tom Foley served for 40 YEARS. Don't you believe that  many of these incumbents should be set out to pasture. Some  of these lawmakers have been in Washington so long they can remember when they played with dinosaurs in their back yard as a kid. The men and women in Congress today are the poster children for TERM LIMITS.

To all seniors across the country - - ARE YOU LISTENING AARP? I say the current politicians feel they are an entitled group and really don't give a damn about us seniors. They are only interested in votes and contributions for reelection. That is why they pander every election cycle to the senior citizen but they do not deliver what they promise. WAKE UP SENIORS. Throw all of these old worn out politicians out of office. People like John McCain, Harry Reid come to mind right away.

If a 1.5 percent cost of living increase doesn't make you angry, what will it take? When is the last time you went to the market? Look at the cost of food, the cost of gasoline, the worn out roads and infrastructure. What about the  escalating costs of your home electric, water and gas, etc.  - - -doesn't that get you riled?

Tell these idiots in Washington that we want the same COLA's (cost-of- living) increase each and every year that they are receiving. The same that the federal employees are receiving, and the same that all of these over paid public employees ( i.e., teachers, cops, firemen) are receiving. Why shouldn't we senior citizens be treated  just like the government people and receive the same (no more, no less) COLA's and annual increases? If this is ONE AMERICA as these lawmakers and president Obama keep spewing then I say, EVERYONE should be treated the same, especially when it come to receiving COLA's and health benefits. Obama and his administration takes pains to protect all of the government people by EXEMPTING themselves  from (i.e.: Obamacare health care; Social Security, pension plans, COLA's etc.)  but insist the middle class and senior citizens have to comply with he law and regulations or be fined and/or jailed. Isn't it nice that they pass laws for us to adhere to but at the same time exempt themselves from the same rules, regulations and laws? Go figure.

Public employees powerful unions bargain with the lawmakers for these  obscene, over the top benefits and  cost-of- living  raises. We seniors do not have a union. So we will lose out folks unless we DEMAND it.

I would suggest that all of us seniors vote the incumbents out of office even though you might like the way they talk or act or think and believe that YOUR Congress person is okay and not like the rest of them on the Hill. Don't kid yourself folks, these Congress people all have their hands in the pockets of Big business, corporations, insurance companies, oil and gas and banks. No matter who they are - - vote the person out and replace him or her with new young blood. The drastic change is needed. The lawmakers now in office do nothing for us. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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