The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, August 26, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

President Obama and his crowd are again rattling the sabers of war. Here is a man who said we shouldn't be in Iraq when he was running for President. He was totally against the United States being involved in a war. But after he was elected he quickly changed his stance and clearly embraced the war in Afghanistan and a covert war in Pakistan. And, this guy has never, ever served one day in the military - -WOW!

Now Obama and many in Congress are beating the war drums saying we should take military action against Syria. Obama also authorized at least four navy ships to go into the waters off Syria with plans to fire missile's into Syria, possible use of our aircraft and military might to enforce a no fly zone while at the same time use our military to destroy roads, buildings and other structures inside Syria. Another preemptive strike? You bet. It looks as though the United States feels entitled to start wars around the world.

I predict that if Obama follows his war-mongering buddies in Congress and does start firing missiles and possible bombs into Syria he will ignite another war (seems like this is all Obama wants to do - -start wars and spend our tax money to boot,) I foresee Syria setting the entire Middle East ablaze in retaliation for any interference from the U.S. in their internal matters. You can bet if Syria begins to retaliate for our aggression against them that country will align with Iran and Lebanon and bring together all of the factions of the different Muslim groups already enemies of the United States.

I will also  predict that if our country interjects our military into the civil war currently playing out in Syria Israel may be attacked as well as other countries in the region. All this because Obama and some hawks in Congress want another war.

Another prediction - - if the United States continues to provoke Syria and sticks its nose into Syria's battle Syria might in fact let loose with  chemical weapons on a large scale to even out the fight.

There are many in Washington now screaming that we, the U.S. should take the lead and initiate military action against Syria. Many of those in Washington have never seen a day in the military. Many of those yelling the loudest refused to serve our country and many even dodged the draft when it was time for them to  go fight years ago. On the other hand we have many of the old, worn out  lawmakers who have been  in Washington for decades that in fact did serve but they forgot what consequences war can bring about. These political clowns are over the hill but want their 15 minutes before the cameras so they can get some face time.

My thoughts on this Syria fiasco is that we should not get involved in any way in Syria's civil war. We should have never gotten involved in any way whatsoever and this is no time to double down and flex our might playing the BIG, BAD United States. We will never convince Syria or any of those Middle East countries to go the way of democracy. This administratio is fooling itself into thinking it can make any countrty in the world a democracy.

Folks, it was the Syrian people that wanted to change things in Syria especially after they saw Egypt rise up. The Syrian people are the ones who took to  the street and  started an overthrow of the regime. They should handle their own civil war. If they overthrow the regime on their own power- -GREAT, but if they fail and the government prevails - -SO WHAT? They tried and lost.

But true to form like most foreign countries in the region the masses start a civil war in their country and then "cry the blues" and demand that the U.S. step in and give them money, arms, and materials saying we HAVE to help them.. It is  the Syrians fight - -NOT OURS.

Also, look what happewned in Egypt. Their Arab spring movement tossed the government but lo' and behold the Egyptians are still not happy so they rebel again and look at the mess  occurring in Egypt. The Egyptian people are now demanding that the U.S.  help them AGAIN.

A point worth considering: I say these uprising are none of the United States business. We should let the conflicts play out in each country as they happen and then deal with the government that comes out on top. If a foreign country gets involved in a civil war it is for those in that country to fight it out but to often Obama and the lawmakers on the hill choose up sides and try to pick a winning horse in the game which results in us taxpayers  being on the hook for additional military and humanitarian aid.

This Syrian conflict is now ready to drag us Americans into a Mid East blood bath courtesy of the egos of Obama and Congress.

My suggestion to this administration would be: Remove the naval ships that are to be positioned in the waters near Syria; do not engage in any type of military action whatsoever; stop beating the war drums; stop posturing as the  big bully on the block and let the people of Syria fight their own battles,  for better or worse.

As to using the excuse of chemical weapons being used in Syria I see both sides are blaming one another for their use and it would be sheer folly to assume that the Syrian government was the one's using the  chemical weapons. There is a chance that the rebels fighting the government troops actually used the chemical weapons intending to get the USA sucked into the situation. Doesn't these Washington airheads learn from past experience. Remember Iraq? Our administration cried over and over again that Iraq was using and storing weapons of mass destruction. I think we all know that was a lie and that evidence and  official statements was manufactured by our government to bolster the administrations decision to  wage war on Iraq.

Obama says the war in Afghanistan is winding down and all of our troops will be coming home. He also said that all of the billions of dollars  that were being spent in Afghanistan can now be saved and spent here at home but I don't believe that for a minute because it appears the administration wants to continually keep us involved in wars around the globe. And, now - - we are gearing up for a Syrian conflict to overthrow the regime while still balancing the Egypt misadventure.

Mark my words folks, if we interfere with the Syrian uprising and begin to support the rebels against the Syrian government by shelling their country with missiles from our ships miles out to sea and providing arms and munitions to the rebels there will be hell to pay. And that old standby excuse that other countries will back the USA's  play is laughable because most anytime the UN meets for discussions about probable military actions it is a foregone conclusion that the USA will always prevail in those discussions because we  buy our loyalty with billions of dollars and gifts to those UN countries. The UN dance is a farce. It's a cover move to rationalize our reasons for war. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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