The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, August 12, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Looks like Oprah Winfrey is stirring the pot again - - claiming "racism. What a joke".

I would imagine that there are numerous and varied opinions on why Oprah Winfrey did what she did in playing the "race card" against an entire country. I was asked to weigh in so here is my take and opinion on the situation

According to Oprah's story she walked into a store in Zurich and asked to see a purse. Cost of the purse -$38,000.00. The clerk said: "You can't afford this one." " Let me show you something else" (or words of that nature.) Oprah then gets her nose out of joint and screams out to the world that Zurich is "RACIST because of the clerks comment.." What?

It appears Oprah's tantrum was because she wasn't recognized as a famous person or celebrity. Poor Oprah felt "dissed" (disrespected) for lack of recognition so she  yells racism and plays the  "race card." Shame on her.

It may interest Oprah to know that not everybody on this planet knows actually what Oprah Winfrey looks like in real life, especially a store clerk half-way around the world. I guess Oprah  relishes the idea that where ever she walks all the people in the area should recognize her. Come on!

Oprah is a lady whose weight fluctuates  from big to small on any given day. Remember all of the diets she went through on her television show and professed to the viewers that "this diet works", then another. Her weight  bounces up and down like a yo-yo. Oprah also changes her hair  style often and like any other woman her make-up might change from day to day. So, I ask you - -how can a store clerk half way around the world be expected to know Oprah out of the  thousands, if not millions of black tourists that visit Zurich every year? Answer: The clerk can't.

I would suspect Oprah expects  people around the world to recognize her as the Grand Poo-bah and  curtsy or bow in her presence and because this store  clerk had no idea who Oprah was-it has to be a case of "racist" and "racism" according to Winfrey's world.

The same thing that was said to Oprah was also said to me as I was growing up. I heard it as a adolescent, a teenager and as a young adult and I have no doubt that thousands of other people across the United States has  been told: "You can't  afford this one." "Let me show you something else" at one time or another. But like me, I am sure they did not take it  to mean it was an act of disrespect.

Oprah's actions and comments make me think she may have a  lot of internal, latent feeling bubbling up inside her entire being for  one reason or another . Maybe some of those feeling, resentments and whatever other demons she is  fighting with known only to her is a big part of this fiasco and  rather than make a mountain out of an ant hill like she did in Zurich I would suggest she  turn inward and search and seek out her own failing instead of yelling "racist" blaming other people and an entire country.

Zurich and/Switzerland is anything but racist. The country hosts tens of millions of visitors each and every year and many of the tourists are black like Oprah and truly enjoy the courtesy of that country.

Because of the complaint by Oprah the Swiss officials of the country apologized. I believe that's taking political correctness to extremes. If I were the Swiss official I would not have  offered any sort of an apology. All that does is give Winfrey what she wanted - - recognition and maybe - - to publicize her part in the recent movie "The Butler."

A final note: - - Just this evening on the television program "INDIDE EDITION" Oprah was seen saying something like: "The purse was too expensive. I wouldn't have bought it anyway." Can you believe that? I guess Oprah had her moment by making a big, big deal of her shopping trip.  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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