The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, August 31, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Syrian president Bashar Assad says that his country will defend itself if they are attacked. And, rightly so. You can bet if  another country took it on themselves to send a missile attack on say - - San Francisco or Los Angeles this and any other administration would immediately scream it was an act of war and we would aggressively retaliate. We did that  as a result of 9/11.So, what the devil is this president and people like Senator John McCain and others in Congress doing when they say they want to  shower down a missile attack on Syria? What a bunch of dumb bunnies we have in Congress. They couldn't find their butt with both hands yet they feel smart enought to start a war. That's crazy.

It appears the United States policy for starting wars is to preempt an attack on another country with a manufactured excuse for the action.

People, I predict that if Obama and  others in Congress does initiate an attack on Syria there will be  quite a bit of collateral damage of innocent civilians - - that, my friends in a given. Mark my words. And , as usual the U.S. and the alleged partners in the crime will say they couldn't help it. It was an accident. Then offer a half hearted apology.

I said before and I say again - -let the Syrians fight their own civil war and whom ever comes out on top that is the government we deal with.Keep in mind most of these people in the Mid East hate America. They always have and always will. Why should we intercede in a civil war to protect people that actually want to kill Americans? Why should we spend billions of dollars to be MACHO and fire missiles into  another country? Some lame brains in Congress are saying we have to  attack Syria because if we don't Syria, Iran, Egypt and other countries will think we, the USA are weak. What a crock- that's like  two kids daring the other to knock the chip off of  one's shoulder.  Hell, we Americans know we are not a weak country and can defend against any aggressor on the planet. We don't need to prove it or play a game of "chicken."

Obama and his crew are about to start a war because they want to pound their chest indicating that we are the best and can attack anyone we want to, at anytime. That's sad. I will also predict that if Obama goes forward with this idiotic idea that we have to be the PUNISHER for wrongdoing around the globe he will be in for a big surprise. This  proposed missile attack is an exercise in "folly. " I say, the best course is to let the Syrian civil war play out without our nose being in the mix.

Another prediction - - if this unwarranted, stupid, attack is  begun I can see an attack on Israel by Syria and Iran. The collateral damage will be over the top - -and what if Syria and possibly Iran let loose with the full impact of serious attacks of chemical weapons?  The blood bath in the Mid East will be something the likes that we have never seen and you can count on Israel and others demanding that the USA help them out with billions of dollars,  military aid, troops and they will expect us to fight their war for them.

The United States is putting together an alleged group of military partners to join the attack.. Really?  The United Kingdom is nothing more than a lap dog for the U.S. and whatever our administration wants the UK to do it has no qualms about fudging intelligence reports and lying to its people with made up stories to rationalize an attack. It's Iraq all over again. And France, they already say they are on board with the U.S. to go ahead with the missile attack BUT remember what France has always done in the past - -they always whimp out and go home-they refuse to fight for any length of time in any war. So, this so called alliance between nations is shaky at best and an excuse for war. The result is that the USA is left hanging and has to fight the war on our own and lose  our men and women-  FOR WHAT? And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns   can be reached by email at:

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