The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, July 14, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

It was only a matter of time before  over the hill civil rights people began to bad mouth the George Zimmerman verdict. Just today, Jesse Jackson put his two cents in saying the verdict was wrong and went on to say a  young child was killed. No Kidding - -everybody in the nation and around the world knows  a "young man" was killed. That doesn't mean  Zimmerman should be put to death or spend his life in prison. Children and young men and women are killed every day, especially by gang violence. Many 6 year old through 17-year old are the victims. Look at Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and other cities. Children both black and white are being murdered every day. If the killers are caught they go to trial and are sentenced.  Those children and  those 17-year old's are no different than Trayvon Martin. But why race was introduced into  Martin's demise is beyond me. He is a victim like thousands of other across this  nation. But because a white individual  killed a black person the black community jumped on the chance to march and  complain until politics, social aspects and race were forefront.

A side note? How many black individuals kill a white child or a 17-year old in this country every day? The answer is quite a few. But when the black person kills the white teen-ager the case goes to court and is heard by a judge and jury and whatever sentence is handed down the victims parents have to live with that verdict the rest of their lives. There is no large marches by the white community protesting, screaming and yelling with signs asking for justice and  playing the race card. However, in the Trayvon Martin case that is exactly what happened.

I think it's only a matter of time before other old school, over the hill civil rights people like the Rev.  Al Sharpton will begin going on television and radio screaming for  justice in the Martin case - -although justice had already been served. But for Sharpton, I have two words-  "Twana Brawley."
That case will forever hang around Sharpton's neck like a  yacht anchor and be associated with poor civil rights  matters and how one person  like Sharpton can stir up emotion and manipulate the civil rights movement for their own recognition.

To me these large community marches and protests by the black community resemble the villager's marching on the castle with torches and pitch forks to kill the monster. I want to reiterate, the only reason Zimmerman was brought to trial.- - One, because of Presidents Obama's reaction and opinion in the Martin/Zimmerman matter even before there was charges filed. Two, because  of the large marches and pressure put on lawmakers from the White House , which flowed down to the State, County and city levels. 

My personal view is that charges against Zimmerman should never have been brought. Zimmerman clearly defended himself and was in fear for his life. Come on! In regards to just one aspect of the case - - Trayvon Martin busted Zimmerman's nose and caused injury to  the back of his head (photos clearly show  the injuries).

The authorities were correct in not filing charges but because race was brought into the picture and because of the marches by the African-American community as well as pressure on lawmakers Zimmerman was charged and the Police Chief was fired. And, as expected, the new police chief was an African-American to further put a face on the race issue. Because of pressure, the Governor of the State of Florida assigned  his team from the Attorney Generals office to charge Zimmerman. It was "all" politics to file charges against Zimmerman. And now, believe it or not the White House (Obama), the State of Florida and the prosecution team still want a pound of flesh from Zimmerman, even after he was found "NOT GUILTY" by a jury. In less than  forty-eight (48) hours the lawmakers and politicians are turning the case over to the Justice Department saying " the case is still ongoing and open." That's shameful. The White House and the state of Florida want to console and pander to blacks all over the country. What's the reason? Probably votes.

The trial was held, the evidence heard and a "not guilty" verdict was rendered. The prosecution was so intent on playing politics courtesy of President Obama's statement to the nation, something to the effect of: "If I had a son he would be Trayvon Martin" which only reinforced the idea that Zimmerman  "had to go" so Judge Debra S. Nelson of Seminole County Court, Sanford, FL instructed the jury that an additional lesser charge could be considered- "manslaughter." The state was hoping to convict Zimmerman, "no matter what."

Folks, think back to the O.J. Simpson case verdict when O.J. was  found "not guilty". Again, mobs of people from the black community were seen on television around the world screaming and yelling  in agreement with the verdict. But there was no white mobs with placards and signs or white mobs taking to the streets asking for justice or threatening possible violence. 

I say whether  you are black, white, Asian, or polka-dot in color. Let the case go to trial on "it's own merits", let it be be heard and live with the verdict. That IS the justice system. It's time  to STOP these marches, pressuring politicians and threatening to do harm in order to sway opinion one way or the other. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions.You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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