The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, July 27, 2013



LAS  VEGAS -  Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Perverts to the right of us, perverts to the left of us, perverts all around us. Let's see - -we have Eliot Spitzer, running for office in New York and then the wennie wagger Anthony Weiner running for Mayor of New York City and we have his females accomplice 23-year-old  Sydney Leathers from Indiana who gladly and willingly had phone sex with Weiner dominating the news in recent days. Now- another pervert named Bob Filner, the current Mayor of San Diego, California comes on the scene. Filner is a  former Congressman who served at least TEN TERMS in that institution.

Filner is accused of groping, kissing and making foul comments to women on and off his staff - -one comment something like: "when you come to  work tomorrow, don't wear any panties under your dress." Oh boy! This is the guy that's running San Diego?  Seventy (70) percent of the residents of San Diego want Filner to resign but he refuses to do so. Instead, he says he will undergo - - get this, - (TWO WEEKS ) of therapy to handle his problem. Really? Two weeks of therapy. If he were my patient I would have him in an "intensive therapy' program and it would certainly be much longer than TWO WEEKS.

My question is: Why doesn't the people of San Diego "recall' this  guy. He just started in office and has four years to go --Hell, get him out of office now.  BUT, on the other hand I would have to say: "People. get the representation they deserve." They voted him into office and now they're crying about it.

Remember this guy was a congressman for at least two decades and his bad behavior was supposedly known by his colleagues but as usual this"private club of congress people" ignored his  vulgar, filthy   behavior and swept it under the congressional rug. As always congress always and will always protect their own - - until THEY ARE CAUGHT- then Congress people say "I had no idea."

Folks, I submit that people like Filner should not be holding public office. Instead, they should be a private citizen receiving the long-term health care treatment they require. How can anyone run a city from the confines of a mental health facility, even for two weeks? My answer, they CAN'T.

However, the people across the country that keeps electing the same old talking heads into office  year after year are at fault. Whether Democrat or Republican, or Independent people should  vet their candidates carefully and check them out and after two terms in office vote them out and put new blood in there.  If voters did that there would be no time for the politician to become corrupt or develop  strange, bizarre, bad behavior like Filner has but if they did they would be out in two terms in any case.  People, WISE UP. Don't be partisan, be  a brave, knowledgeable voter. Change is good. Since there are no term limits on many elective offices it's  up to us voters to change the politicians on a regular basis. No matter who we vote in for a change it couldn't be worse than the person currently holding office. Give any new man or woman a chance for two terms.

If, in fact, the people of San Diego had vetted this sicko Filner prior to voting for him the city would not be experiencing all of the bad news, publicity and heartache that is occurring right now.

My message and suggestion to San Diego : Recall, recall, recall Filner NOW.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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