The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The Trayvon shooting is still being pursued by the Obama administration and  civil rights groups. The administration admits that because of "pressure" from civil rights groups they will intensify  the investigation and look for ways to prosecute Zimmerman under civil rights violations. What a way to run a justice system.

Attorney General Eric Holder calls the killing of Martin " an unnecessary shooting death.". Holder has already shown his true colors as to where he and the administration stand, even after the verdict by a JURY saying  Zimmerman was "not guilty." Let me respond to Holders stupid comment. The shooting was "NECESSARY." According to Zimmerman and the jury the shooting was "necessary." Zimmerman was in fear for his life. That is why he shot Trayvon Martin and the jury agreed BUT it appears Holder and the Obama administration is searching for anything that they can use to pacify the African-American community and the civil rights groups.

Holder went on to state; "We are determined to meet division and confusion with understanding and compassion - - - and also the truth." Really? According to who's  truth Holder? The trial was held, the evidence was presented, the case was heard and the jury rendered a verdict of "not guilty." The truth in this case should be self evident, even to Holder and the Administration.

Holder went on to say: "We will never stop working to ensure that - - - in every case, in every circumstance and in every community - - - justice must be done." That sound nice folks, but me thinks that Holder is  fibbing quite a bit here.

What about all those other teenagers whether in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles , etc;, that is murdered? What about those teens and adolescents that are murdered by someone of the opposite race? They are not pursued like Holder is currently doing with the Zimmerman/Martin case. As an example, Obama's stomping grounds of  Chicago is experiencing a murderous rampage second to none and there is a number of  teens and tweens being slaughtered but those cases do not have the scrutiny that the Trayvon Martin case has. My thought- AG Holder is not ensuring anything. He is using a lot of talk to rationalize charges that he may build to covict Zimmerman, that's all.

In most any other killings in any city across the country that involves a teenager the case is heard in a court of law, (just like the Zimmerman/Martin) case;  decided by a jury (just like the Zimmerman/Martin) case; and the suspect/defendant is either acquitted and set free or sent to prison -(Guilty or Not Guilty) (just like the Zimmerman/Martin) case and, - - - that's it . The Trayvon Martin case should be no different. It was a shooting like the thousands that occur each and every day in America.

The only reason this case is still being pursued is because of civil rights agitators like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who think they still speak for all of the African-Americans in the county so they organize marches and put pressure on the lawmakers so Justice, (as they see it) goes their way.Because of that pressure Attorney General Holder will pander and pacify special groups and segments of the population on behalf of Obama for party votes.

Folks, remember these murder cases- - Casey Anthony (Not Guilty); O.J. Simpson (Not Guilty). Their cases were heard and done and the people in this country moved on.  The same should apply to the Zimmerman/Martin case. It's over folks, the verdict was rendered lets live with it rather than have the justice department make up a way to find a person "Guilty", no matter what.  The Jusice Department should not have another bite at the apple. Zimmerman was found  "not guilty." And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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