The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cleveland Police Department Bungles It Again.


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Again, the Cleveland, Ohio police foul up big time.

It appears that Cleveland cops are more interested in their coffee and donut breaks than following up on reports by citizens.

Three women, missing for ten years were just discovered to be alive, No thanks to Cleveland Police Department. Only after an alert resident of Cleveland helped break down a door to free victim Amanda Berry, were the ladies set free.

After the fact, the Cleveland police respond to the residence at 2207 Seymour Street , go inside and then radio - -"We got the  women." Really? The person that got the women out of that house was one, brave, alert, helpful citizen who lived in the area where the women were being held. He helped kick in the door. That people is who got the women free. Not Cleveland cops.

They would never have gotten the women without that brave neighbors help. In fact the Cleveland Police 911 operator that received a call from that hero and Berry herself was lax in sending help. Come on!  The 911 dispatcher stating- "We'll send a car when one is available," even when victim Berry is shouting to her," Not later, Now!" " Before he comes back", meaning the kidnapper.

It's not like  someone didn't give a heads up to the Cleveland Police Department on prior occasions. One lady called police and reported that she saw a naked woman in the back yard. Cops come by, knock on the door and leave. Wow! Another time the Cleveland Police Department was called when a neighbor reported  hearing screams coming from inside the terror/torture house. Again, the police respond and knock on the door and leave. The lady that reported the naked lady said the police told her that they didn't believe her. Great police work guys, -- If you are a Keystone cop.

What would a competent, trained, and alert police officer do? Here's some suggestions for the Cleveland cops. Beside knocking on the door, walk around the outside of the house, checking the perimeters for something unusual. Leave a card and have the owner or any residents living there call the officer so that the officer could follow up and ask permission to go into the house. Note: A search warrant if necessary.

Clue(s) 1. : Report of a woman screaming 2. The windows were blacked out with black garbage bags. What does it take to have an officer sense that something doesn't smell right and there may be a woman hurt inside  the house. Possibly being abused, assaulted or even murdered. God! Cop training 101 should have  led any of the responding officers to the conclusion that something is amiss when legitimate citizen reports of screams  emanating from a  house that is blackened out with garbage bags covering all the windows is right there before their eyes. The cops attitude might  as well have been: Whoops, no time to  search neighbor, I have to go on coffee break and I'm running late.

This is not the first time Cleveland Police Department failed its residents throughout the city. Only a  few years ago, 2009,  a horrid smell permeated an entire Cleveland neighborhood.  The cause of the smell was determined to be the result of eleven(11) dead bodies and one (1) head found on the property courtesy of serial killer Anthony Sowell's murder rampage.

Again, how did the Cleveland comic cops fail to discover this horrific  body stash? Any homicide cop would tell you that the smell of a dead body in quite obvious and unique. There is no smell like it. Yet, not one police officer had the nose to sniff out Sowell.

What about the cops patrolling the  neighborhood graveyard?  Where were they? Was there even one cop that walked a beat in the neighborhood to smell what the Cleveland residents were complaining about for months? I bet not. The Officers today choose to stay in their patrol car and wait until their called. When I was growing up there was cops "walking" beats. The cops on the beat knew the residents and shopkeepers and the shopkeepers and residents knew the cops, by name.

It's no secret then that the Cleveland Police Officers missed the chance to nab a serial killer many years before the body count grew. I submit, what harm would it be to have these overweight, overpaid cops park their vehicle on a corner and walk a couple blocks, first down one side of the street then return to their car by walking the other side of the street. If there are two cops to a car. One can stay with the vehicle while the other walks the beat and they can alternate staying with the vehicle.

If  officers were "required"to WALK a beat they could be in tune with the residents they claim to protect. If in fact officers were actually walking a beat they might have smelled the same foul odor that the neighborhood was complaining about and bumbled and stumbled upon all those bodies stacked up like cord wood. If they were WALKING the beat they may have been more alert to the goings on at the HORROR HOUSE on Seymour Street.

I have always maintained that in cities like Cleveland, New York, Chicago, Portland, Oregon and others, the Chief of Police should mandate that the officers "WALK" a beat, instead of sitting in a car waiting for a call. Walking a beat by any police officer makes any neighborhood safer.Residents are happy to see them on the block, the criminals wouldn't know when a police officer may come around a corner. Crime would  diminish. Things like graffiti, armed robbery, burglary, assault  and even murder would fall dramatically.

But, it looks as though all the modern day police departments are interested in is their over the top salaries, lucrative pensions and health plans that their public employees unions negotiate for them at our expense. Everything else is secondary.

Now, Cleveland cops are trying to take credit for these three ladies freedom. What a joke. From Cleveland Police Departments past performance skills in solving crimes I would say they can't find their butt with both hands. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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