The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Israeli People Take to the Streets. Why Doesn't Americans Do the Same?


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Mass protest in Israel continue and I don't blame the masses for the protests. They have taken to the streets in the hundreds of thousands complaining about the excessive high cost of living. The government has increased prices on most every item in the country. The cost of food, housing and most everything else have been increasing by leaps and bounds. HOORAY for the people taking to the streets.

I would wonder why people in the United States fail to go out into the streets in mass to protest our economic situation. In these United States I see food prices increasing on a daily basis, housing prices and rents are increasing and most of all gasoline prices hold back every individual from spending money. If that is not enough, jobs are few and far between and for those over 50 years old - - good luck trying to land a job. It is nearly impossible. Salaries are stagnant but prices continue to rise.

The only one's that are surviving this economic slump is the public sector workers. They continue to receive 4, 5 6, and 7 percent cost of living increases each and every year, no matter how bad the economy is. They also receive bonuses, merit pay and obscene pensions and retirements. It is because of these Federal, State, County and City employees pay and benefits that most cities and states are on the brink of bankruptcy.

The little person working a nine to five job in the private sector is suffering while the public employees continue to wallow in large guaranteed salaries, pensions and health plans. People in the private sector cannot even imagine ever seeing benefits akin to these public employees.

So,---where's the outrage and protests from the American people in this country? I would think that there should be demonstrations like the ones that are occurring in Israel. Maybe it's about time to get the attention of these incompetent, lazy, negligent lawmakers who pander to public employees and who cannot compromise on any significant, relevant issue.

If peaceful protests and demonstrations in the streets is what it is going to take to get their attention , then why not protest and demonstrate? We need to get our politicians attention.

Remember, these lawmakers have a job, they enjoy their guaranteed cost of living increase each and every year. They also have their own super health plan and they also have their own super retirement and pension plan. These lawmakers and public employees do not contribute to Social Security like the rest of us. Why not? They should be required to contribute to Social Security. Basically, they feel they are entitled and do not have to live like the middle class person. They are the "haves" and we are the "have nots." - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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