The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bacon @ $6.00 lb., Now. Washington's To Blame. Stop This Craziness!

THE DOCTOR IS IN ______________

LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Prices going up again. Bacon going to $6.00 a pound and pork and meat prices are said to climb at least 30%. Why? Here's why. Obama and his administration in collusion with some main Republican's are pushing ethanol as an energy source and these politicians are using the majority of corn production in this country for this fuel alternative that has been proven to cost more to produce than it is worth. So, no corn to feed the pigs and other animals which have farmers having to pay more for what corn is left and those farmers raise the cost of the meat.

Also the the rising cost of gasoline is a major factor because the farmer has to get the meat to market. But, these fat cat politicians continue to subsidize the ethanol industry and then sell what little corn we have left to countries overseas causing us consumers here in America to pay more for our breads, cereals and other food items. By the way, since Obama took office gasoline has gone up 140%. From about $1.83 to close to $4.00 or more a gallon. How's that grab you?

I believe America should come first. Use our grains and food stuffs here in the good ol' USA first, for our peoples needs. Then, if we have a surplus, and only then, sell it overseas. Folks one in four children in this country are starving. Yet, we see these politicians sending millions of tons of food overseas to feed other countries children. Why is that?

We are spending billions of dollars on other countries roads, infrastructure , other countries border fences, schools and businesses but continue to fail to address our problem infrastructure, borders, crumbling roads, bridges and schools and starving kids. What's the matter with this picture people?

We citizens have to insist our politicians:

1. bring all of our troops home (Savings to the USA- Billions of dollars).
2. Stop foreign aid to the rest of the world (Savings to the USA-Billions of dollars).
3. Stop all silly wasteful programs and studies such as: treadmills for Shrimps; building a cotton mill institute in Brazil and studying the Pickles. I would think any farmer raising pickles knows what is needed to raise and produce a good pickle. They have been doing it for centuries. So, why spend millions on a pickle study.

It's wasteful spending like mentioned above that is causing many of our current financial woes and poor economy but the political machine in Washington just keeps on printing money which in turn weakens our dollar and causes people to lose their jobs and raises prices on each and every item we consumers have to buy.

I predict that if the government would just take one of the above examples: "Bring the troops home." The billions that we would save would regenerate the economy by leaps and bounds. Those billions of dollars saved could be transferred into job creation and millions of shovel ready projects across this country. The returning military personnel would have jobs to go to and a rebirth of the country would be evident with those returning military people buying houses and going into the work force and again spending money on cars, furniture and other items which would churn the economic engine It would be like the surge this country enjoyed following World War II.

Folks, America first. We need that now. This obscene notion of taking care of the rest of the world and giving billions of dollars to other countries at the expense of our own people is ludricous. -And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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