The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Broken Promises By Our Commander-In-Chief, Obama


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The United States economy is in a free fall. The computerized stock market swings of a few hundred points from day to day is no help. Where is the stock market of old? Wall Street is playing with these computers like a daily trader in a video game. The big corporations make out and the middle class person continues to lose ten, twenty and up to 26 percent of their pension, retirement 401(k) value in one day.

BUT, what does Obama say: "The stock market rises and falls." That's it? Hey! He has his financial program secure so,-- to hell with the middle class wage earner who's hanging on by their fingertips. Money talks and his B.S. walks. His constant mantra of "Hope" just don't cut it. Obama, everybody has hope. People HOPE they will get a job; if they are employed, they HOPE they will get a small raise; if they are underwater in their mortgage they HOPE that they can find a way to keep their home. Hope is just just a a word but ACTIONS speak much louder than words and there has been no action by either Obama, our lawmakers or Congress.

Folks, words and HOPE speeches just don't cut it. Actions are the watchword and Obama and Congress has clearly failed in taking any actions to turn our American economy around.

Democrats don't comprise and Republicans do not compromise. They take a stance for their self-serving political gain and reelections and forgot about serving the people of this nation by doing the people's business.

Christ, Obama comes up with a new excuse everyday as to why he is not to blame for this countries serious problems . I mean, look: One day Obama says our woes are because of the Republicans refusal to compromise; another day he says it is the Tea Parties fault we are in this mess; then, he says he inherited all of these problems ; another day goes by and he says it is George Bush who did this to our country; then again, another day he blames our suffering on Europe. People, it's everybody else's fault except his. He looks to blame everyone and everything on everyone else and fails to take any responsibility for his lack of leadership, his lack of determination and his lack of strength. Talk about a waffle - - he has waffled so much on policy, promises and leadership that his first name could be "Eggo".

Here's a man that has never run a business, held a 9-to-5 job, has never served in the military, he has had no political experience other than running around the streets of Chicago as some sort of street organizer. His experience is Zilch, Zero. His voting record in Illinois is plain vanilla and bland. Most of his votes were "present" and nothing significant or substantial. Obama was a person that failed to take a stand on any issues. Instead he would rather not vote one way or the other.

This guy looks like he has never taken a strong stand or position on any relevant issue when voting. I think what we have in Obama as as President is a person that would rather be a teacher or professor at some university and make speeches to motivate his students so that they could pass his class.

As President, Obama has failed miserably - - Oh, by the way, I did vote for Obama. But, never, never again. After watching him try to lead this country and seeing how he broke his promises over and over again to all of us Americans and after seeing how he (a person with no military experience whatsoever, of any kind) became a war-monger by squandering billions of dollars of our hard earned tax money in promoting and extending at least three wars around the world. I lost confidence in this man. Yes, I said three (3) wars. The administration wants to acknowledge two wars but here's my three: ONE- Iraq (cost- billions of US dollars); TWO- Afghanistan(cost- billions of US dollars) and THREE- Pakistan (cost-billions of US dollars). People we are fighting a covert war in Pakistan that is hidden from public view here in the USA. The government wants to handle this war on the down low. They continually send drone attacks inside the Pakistan borders and they have covert ops inside the country of Pakistan and have a mission to continue military operations inside that country. So, yes! THREE wars.

I would submit that if Obama was a man of his word and brought the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as those operating in Pakistan, just the saving of all those military costs could pay out national debt down by leaps and bounds. Just that one task of troops home would excite and revitalize and improve our economy. Further, I would submit that if only that one action was taken there would be jobs everywhere because our manufacturing and industrial and technological engine would be revived using the returning military in those jobs rebuilding this country. With all of the money saved by bringing the military home, we here in America could rebuilt roads, schools, electric grids, feed the starving kids, feed out homeless and begin to put this country back on the track it enjoyed following the end of World War II.

So, bottom line - -if Obama would get a backbone and take a stand and end these three unnecessary wars, redistribute all of those billions of military dollars that was give-a-ways to other countries so we could buy their favor we clearly could turn this nations economy around very quickly. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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