The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Israel Continues To Sabotage Peace In The Middle East-Decades of Excuses


LAS VEGAS-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu chooses to rebuff Obama when Obama suggests a return to 1967 borders. Netanyahu and many in his administration does not want peace in the Middle East. The Israeli government has been making excuses why they cannot seriously sit down and discuss peace with the Palestinians for decade after decade. Israel enjoys being an occupier and they have used force over those many decades to restrict the movement of the Palestinian people.

Israel is a nation armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons (even though they deny nuclear capability) and they have American military weapons at their disposal and they have no qualm about using them against the Palestinians whenever they want to agitate disruption in the Middle East.

How would Israel like a country to invade their territory and become occupiers and begin restricting peoples movement? They wouldn't. Yet, they continue to act as an occupation force in the region. Decade after decade Israel refused to negotiate in good faith and allow a two state solution. Instead they rely on their military might and the backing of the United States government so they can run amok thumbing their nose at the world community.

I would suggest it is time for the world leaders to insist that Israel define borders so both the Israelis and the Palestinians can have their own sovereign territory - - separate states for each country. If I were the negotiator handling the process I would set a time frame with a definite date in the near future for Israel to comply. If they did not comply I would have the world community and it's leaders set the borders for Israel. The different countries under the auspice of NATO could put troops on the ground both inside Israel and the Palestinian territories and immediately enforce boundaries that are agreed to by the nations of the world.

I say that what is required is that all of the other countries around the world unite and intervene because the United States has not been and cannot be an honest broker in forming a peace agreement as a sole negotiator. Every United States president in recent history have always taken the side of Israel in disputes and confrontations between Israel and Palestinians. That's wrong. The United States actions when dealing with the peace process in the Middle East are blatantly obvious. The table has always between tilted in favor of Israel. That's sad. That's why it will take world action to bring peace to the Middle East.

Such action can be undertaken. We, the United States and other countries did not have any second thoughts when troops were used in Bosnia and other countries in order to separate warring factions, so why not in Israel?

I would say that using troops on the ground and enforcing borders for both the Israelis and the Palestinians will be the only way to have a two state solution. If the Israelis don't like the situation- -that's tough. With the world powers setting out the borders they will have to live with it.

Also if the Israelis drag their feet or continue with their many excuses why they cannot negotiate peace the United States should cut off all foreign aid to that nation. We have been coddling and pandering to Israeli basically since 1947 and that country receives billions and billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each and every year. I believe it is the highest foreign aid made to any country in the world. An added note -Israel's lobby arm organizations here in the U.S. has has Israel agents pass United States secrets to their country over the years. My question, why, if Israel is such a good ally do they have to steal American secrets which I would think tend to look like espionage .

Does the reader remember Jonathan Pollard, a Navy analyst who spied for Israel and sent classified data to Israel. He was convicted and imprisoned since 1985, with a sentence of life. As a side note the Jewish lobby in the U.S. is pressuring our Congress and the Democrats are asking president Obama to release Pollard. Their rationale is that it will promote peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. What a load of manure that is. This guy committed espionage and gave Israel some of the most sensitive secrets the United States had in their files. The sentence was life and he should do life. However, the Israeli's has this scum bag down as a "hero" and they want him back in Israel so they can anoint him with medals and honors. That shows you where Israels mindset is at. On their one hand they steal and take classified secrets from the United States and call their spy a hero and want him sent back home. Their other hand is always out for freebies of billions of dollars in aid and many more billions in advanced weapons from the U.S.

It certainly appears Israel takes, and takes, from the United States and feels that they are some how entitled but they clearly do not give the United States much in return.

So, call in the world military and put boots on the ground in Israel and Palestine until borders are drawn up and adhered to by both countries. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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