The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y.Is He Another Clinton, Gore, Ensign or Craig?

THE DOCTOR IS IN _______________

VEGAS- Hello America,and how is the world treating you?

Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y. seems to contradict himself and some facts regarding the post from his Twitter account showing a semi and/or soft porn image. This guy, who usually is articulate when wearing his politics hat seems a loss for words when it comes to honesty and integrity. He told NBC News-- " I can't say with certitude" whether the man in the underwear image was "his own" crotch. The image appeared on his social networking page. He claims a hacker did it.

Is this another case of a political figure trying to back pedal a possible scandal? Remember President Clinton and his intern or Vice-President Al Gore and his description of questionable fundraising or even Senator Larry Craig, R-Idaho and recently Ensign, from Nevada. Explanations such as-"depends on what the meaning of " is" is; or," no controlling legal authority" or " I was using a wide stance in that bathroom stall." Or like Ensign said: " The $96,000 was a gift to my mistresse's family" Weiner's answer to this situation of his rivals all the politicians previously mentioned.

The newspapers reported the woman on the other end of the post saying she did friend Weiner and they had some sort of personal correspondence between them. But once the image and situation hit the media she then said it was probably a hacker that transmitted the image. That's a friend. Wouldn't you say?

On May 31, 2011 and June 1, 2011 during a news conference Weiner then said " I don't know the woman, never met her or had corresponded with her. Really? She already made statements to the media that she and Weiner were friends on the social network. So, who's lying, who's mistaken?
I would say to both Weiner and the woman , if you lied then, are you lying now?

Why doesn't Weiner simply and clearly articulate whether he is the person in the photo? If it was indeed him, he would have a very clear recollection and idea about the photo. What is strange is that: First, Weiner failed to contact authorities and file a complaint regarding this matter. Second, he says he hired an attorney and a security firm to investigate the matter. Why? I would think if someone did hack into Rep. Weiner's social network it would immediately become a matter for the authorities.

I would submit that the whole matter will eventually come out. It may take a while but it will come out. The problem with things like this when it involves lawmakers is that the they spend too much time trying to put a spin on the incident (s) and try to out any flames rather than getting out in front of it, no matter how embarrassing the matter might be. It's the lying, deceiving and coverup that comes back to bite them in the butt.

There is already contradictions in Weiner's story about his alleged contact with the female in question and I would suggest that he makes the decision to be forthcoming with answers such as: Is that you in the underwear? Did you post that photo of the man wearing the underwear? Did you send that post to the female in question? If it was a mistake tell us?

People, the above questions are very simple questions. Anyone could answer them honestly if in fact, the person had nothing to hide. I would think that the "hacker" story is a reach. Out of all the high ranking politicians on the hill - - Weiner is the only one that gets his personal social network hacked? Maybe! But maybe Weiner has a bridge in Brooklyn to sell also.

If Weiner doesn't get out in front of this with a clear, honest answer the matter will fester like a sore and it will eventually come to a head and you can believe that if it shows that he has been lying about the situation his credibility as a useful lawmaker will be zero. If he is attempting to cover up I predict that in the near future many people on the Internet, world-wide will make a joke out of his situation using his name as a focal point for the jokes. I can hear some of them now. I mean, with a name like Weiner and a situation which includes underwear, a woman or women and photos being transmitted over the internet--- Come on! The jokes can go on forever.

My advice to Rep. Weiner. Get it all out now from your own mouth. Like they say Weiner, the truth will set you free. Learn from the past and from all of those lawmakers that came before you and tried to cover their tracks.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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