The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Crying, Screaming Babies In Restaurants & Public Places: Who Needs Them?

THE DOCTOR IS IN _______________

LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

In reference to an inquiry by Patricia: She states that she is fed up with crying, screaming children in some of the public places she frequents and wants my opinion on this issue.

Patricia, there is a recent movement to have a separate section on airplanes to accommodate parents with infants or small children. Passengers have been complaining for years now about babies and small children crying, screaming and being disruptive while on the aircraft. Some airlines are seriously considering separating the crying babies and their parents from the rest of the passengers. I tend to agree with the flying public who say they want to have some type of relief and separation from a crying, disorderly child or children.

Regarding this same issue and being a captive audience let's talk "restaurants." A customer who has sat down with his/her family and friends and ordered their food is stuck. I've also heard many complaints from people who go to restaurants and feel that cannot enjoy a good meal because of parents having a crying or screaming baby in the restaurant and refuse to take the the child to the restroom or outside until they stop crying or being disruptive. These parents continue to sit there and eat because they don't want to leave their food or have their food get cold. I say that's the price of raising a child. Get up from the table with the child even if your food gets cold. That child is the parents problem.

I would think it would be common courtesy for the parent to take the crying, screaming child or children away from the restaurant area so as not to disturb the other dining patrons but it appears that somewhere along the line some parents have lost the ability to be courteous.

However, some good news for many of you who are upset over crying and screaming babies and children n restaurants. There have been a few restaurants in the Midwest and back east that have posted signs (at the request of their dining customers) that people with infants are not welcome in the restaurant and some restaurants have signs saying if the baby or child is crying, screaming, upset, unruly and annoying to other customers the restaurant reserves the right to ask the parents to leave the restaurant. There was one restaurant I read about that had a sign reading: No service to parents with infants or small children and it had an age bracket indicated on the sign.

Personally, I dislike to be in a restaurant or anywhere elsewhere that adults socialize and have to hear screaming and crying children. I have gotten up and left many a restaurant because of them. I have also asked some parents to take their child to the restroom or outside until they quiet down. I have also had occasion to ask the manager of the restaurant to speak with the parents of the offending children but I have have found that many restaurant are afraid to approach the parents and advise them to have their children quiet down or leave.

At one major casino restaurant here in Las Vegas, I even had the manager of the restaurant call security and have security talk to the parents. That's sad when it has to come down to security officers speaking to the parents and asking them to leave the restaurant. One of the parents should have been intelligent enough to take their disruptive screaming, crying child out of the restaurant on the first indication that this child was not going to quiet down.

Patricia, I have even observed some parents just sit in their booth or at their table and laugh about the fact that their child is screaming or crying. They think it is funny. What does that say about the parents? They seem to be oblivious to the needs and respect of others in the restaurant. I have also seen this same scenario play out here in Las Vegas, in the casinos. Why any parent in their right mind would want to drag crying and screaming babies into a gambling establishment (both on the casino floor and in the restaurants) and disrupt other adults social life is beyond me.

I would think that if the parents know their child is prone to crying, screaming, acting out, etc., they would make family time around their own table at home and have their meals there until such time the child is old enough to know how to act in a public restaurant, on an airplane, or in any public arena. But if the parents are really intend about eating out they should also consider a babysitter or relative to take care of the infant or child for the few hours they want to spend in restaurants or public places. It seems like a no-brainer. The parents would have private time for themselves to enjoy a nice quiet and peaceful meal. Go figure! Patricia, somewhere in the past few generations family values and courtesy have fell by the wayside. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own judgment and decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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