The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Israel Is Deporting Foreigners & Building a Fence To Protect Their Borders: Why Can't The USA


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Here in America we are having a dispute over our immigration policy. Some Congressmen, groups and individuals want to change the 14th. amendment so that "illegal alien" women cannot jump our borders and drop a baby just so that baby will be an American citizen.

There have been reports that many illegal aliens have said they want to have their baby delivered in the United States because that will allow them, as parents, to stay in the United States also. With an attitude like that it is nothing but a rip off scheme. The women illegally sneak across the border and run to one of our USA Emergency Rooms in the towns on the Arizona and Texas border and we the American taxpayer picks up the medical tab for them to deliver their baby. Actions like this have caused many United States border cities hospitals to fall into bankruptcy just from the excessive number of illegal alien women draining our financial system by giving birth to a child on the United States side of the border. The sad part of it is that our milk toast, welfare administration and government allows illegal aliens to receive free health care and benefits at the American taxpayers expense.

Many of our politicians and the President of the United States do not want to control illegal immigration due to the fact that they want to pander for the Hispanic vote. Many in the administration and many politicians also say that we should allow all illegal immigrants to reside in our country because it is against our beliefs to restrict illegal immigration.

At this point I would like to say that other countries clearly restrict illegal immigration and just recently, our friendly government in the Middle East, Israel, have no qualms about deporting hundreds if not thousands of children from Israel. They have the right idea about controlling their borders. Israel approved new residency requirements that could deport children of migrant workers.

The decision by the Israeli Cabinet represents a very good step to clear up the status of thousands of foreign workers in the nation of Israel. I think it would behoove the United States to follow suit and begin to get a handle on the millions of illegal aliens in the USA.

Under Israels decision, children whose parents entered Israel "legally" may remain if they are enrolled in school, speak Hebrew and have been in the country longer than five years.

Israel has about 200,000 migrant workers and over one half have overstayed their visas for many years. Sound familiar? We have between 12 and 20 million "illegal aliens" here in the United States and many have overstayed their visas for years.

Many Israelis say that "illegals" are taking jobs away from citizens. Again, sound familiar? The same thing is happening here in the USA. Others in Israel worry that the non-Jewish workers could upset the Jewish nature of the society. Again, the same applies to the United States. Many here have the same feeling regarding all of the illegals here.

American society as we know it has been changing drastically since the first amnesty by President Reagan in the 1980's, which, in my opinion, should not have happened. Once that amnesty was granted which allowed millions of illegal aliens to live here the following administrations closed their eyes to immigration control and protecting our Southern borders and the demographics in the United States has been tilted completely out of control.

Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu totally agreed with the immigration policy saying: " This is a tangible threat to the Jewish and democratic character of the state of Israel." Personally, I agree with his comment. This illegal alien wave that is flooding our country applies to the United States also.

In another step to limit the influx of foreigners, Israel is building a fence along its borders with Egypt. Again, does this sound familiar? We, the United States citizen have been asking for a barrier fence running the border between the United States and Mexico for years but our political correct President and politicians refuse to build that fence. In fact, the Prime Minister said that the border fence separating the nation of Israel from Egypt will be completed by 2013. Christ, that's only three years. Israel means business. But our leaders haven't completed our border fence in decades. What's the matter with this picture? When a nation like Israel is determined to complete a project they do it but the USA congress people pussyfoot around and "promise" things, and refuse to act decisively.

People, I say we could do the exact same thing Israel is doing to control our "illegal alien" problem. There is no disgrace in wanting to control our borders from an illegal invasion and there is nothing wrong in protecting the democratic character of the United States of America just like Israel.

Yes, change the 14th. amendment and stop these anchor babies by the "illegal alien." The child should retain the citizenship of the parents country of origin unless that parent is currently a "LEGAL" citizen of the United States.

A second suggestion is to take back control of who is legally working on jobs in the United States. I would say every employer in the USA should be required, by mandate, to check each and every employee through the Real ID system. If every employee was checked, whether they be White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc., there would be no discrimination or profiling because everyone is subject to the check before they are employed.

The Real ID check only takes a very short amount of time so it is really no inconvenience. This mandated ID check would also prevent these lousy employers that knowingly hire "illegal aliens" just so they can save a buck.

It wasn't too many decades ago in most restaurants when most cooks, dishwashers and the waiting staff were White, and Black and the same occurred in the construction and landscaping fields. So, this old story by illegals that they are doing jobs Americans don't want to do is nothing but a fallacy. The only reason the food service, construction and landscaping fields are dominated by Hispanic workers is solely because the slick, unethical employers hire illegals to save payroll. Whites, Blacks and Asians would gladly work those jobs.

Jobs working the fruit and vegetable fields? It's hard work and many Americans don't want to do field work but migrants were allowed into the USA for that work and they did it well, season by season. But work Americans can do and want to do should not be filled by "illegal aliens."

I submit that if all of these bad employers were hit with stiff fines each and every time they hired "illegal aliens" they would soon only hire "LEGAL" employees or be run out of business because of the large fines. A big benefit of my suggestions would be that most of the "illegal aliens" failing to find work would return to their own country or they would apply to become a legal citizens, the right way.

Finally, if Israel can get a handle on their foreigner and illegal problem which is affecting their culture and democratic society we in the United States can do the same thing. Lets do it. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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