The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Charles Rangel Should Resign: He's The Poster Boy For Term Limits


LAS VEGAS-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Rep. Charles Rangel of New York is trying to strike a deal with the House Ethics committee. Here is a guy that committed violation after violation over many years and avoided taxes and failed to claim ownership of condos offshore, just to name a few crimes.

Rangel is a twenty(20) term representative. Can you believe that? 40 years as a politician. Did other politicians know about this guys misdeeds? Probably, but the Congress is a good ol' boy network and they love covering up for each other in the event they themselves are caught committing wrongdoing. Example, just look back on the actions of the Ethics Committee over the past few decades. If and when the committee does punish any politician it is only a very limp slap on the wrist. These above the law Congress people refuse to take any serious action against one another. The committee is a bad joke. They hold a dog and pony show to pacify the media but when they have to make a decision as to punishment it appears that most of these fat cats accused of ethics or criminal acts skate into the sunset.

Rangel should resign, period. If he does not resign he should be banished from Congress. He's now 80 years old and has been milking and playing the system for 40 years. At this point in time of his life he clearly is more interested in promoting his well being instead of serving the people of the United States. I would also suggest that at his age his health and personal life is of more importance to him than providing useful and genuine services for the state of New York.

Rangel is a poster boy for why there should be term limits. There should be new blood in those political offices after two terms. If a two term limit were initiated the benefits for the people of the United States would be, but not limited to: less chance of the politicians committing these serious ethics violations like Rangel had been doing for years; committing criminal acts while in office; it would stop and slow political corruption because everyone would know any particular politician would be out of office after only two terms.

I submit that if these politicians were mandated to serve only two terms there would be no time for any Congressman to become entrenched in the tentacles of the lobbyists and big corporation payoffs. A two year term limit is a win, win for the citizens of the United States.

Christ, Rangel is in there for 40 years to date and is 80 years old.Then there was Senator Byrd. He also held office for decades and left Congress in his 90's and that was only because he died. Basically, the only way Byrd left the snobbish club was being carried out out in a box. I would suggest that when a person finally reaches the age of 80, 90 or 100, they should not be holding a seat in Congress saying they are serving the people of the nation.

The only reason many of these elderly, old aged people are still in office is because of the financial backing of other politicians, big oil and big corporations that want them to do their bidding on specific legislation and projects. In fact, this elite club called Congress actually wheel each other in to the government chambers in wheelchairs and on stretchers. That's not governing. That's protecting ones own turf for political and personal gain.

People, wake up! Fight for term limits. There should be a fresh turnover of new talented, young, people that want to serve this country. Two terms is sufficient for anyone to serve the nation. The voter should be intelligent enough to vote out any politicians that are extremely elderly.

If you think that these elderly politicians (Democrat,Republican or Independent) in their 80's and 90's can do a competent job serving the nation on a daily basis and if you truly believe that they are not more concerned about their health and their personal lives, I'll sell you a bridge in Brooklyn. At these late ages many of these elderly politicians are led around by the nose by their aides, colleagues and special interest groups. That is a disservice to the citizens of this country. I say that when these elderly politicians are continually worrying about their own health problems and are feeling their aches and pains resulting from health issues and family and personal matters they cannot devote their attention to matters that require them to serve the people of the United States. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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