The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, March 11, 2021



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Where are all the lawsuits against all of these unconstitutional acts and policies being set out by the Biden administration, like the COVID Relief for farmers. The Biden administration wants to forgive loans for BLACK, ASIAN, NATIVE AMERICAN and other minority farmers, but DISCRIMANTE against WHITE farmers? Really? If that is not unconstitutional, nothing is.

The Republicans whine, gripe and moan that what the Biden administration is doing is wrong and "it has to stop." Republican's, stop your B****ING and  moaning and take action and DO SOMETHING about these blatantly wrong unconstitutional acts and policies.

The recently passed COVID Relief Bill has numerous areas in the fine print that appear to be unconstitutional. I predict that when the American public finally find out what actually is in this atrocious, disastrously, bloated money give-a-way and  bailout for the Democratic party and Democratic states,  the socialists and communists running the Democratic party will pay a heavy price come 2022 and 2024 elections. 

The Democrats had no problem with filing a flurry of lawsuits against the Trump administration and their policies. The person, Xavier Becerra,  currently under consideration for HHS secretary, filed lawsuit after lawsuit against President Trump while he was the Attorney General of California. This guy is not qualified to be HHS Secretary but Biden is paying off his friends and donors. Fact is, most of Biden's nominees for governmental positions are mostly unqualified socialist, radicals bent on tearing down the government of the United States as we now know it. And, talking about unqualified Becerra's nomination, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), just said he would vote to confirm this socialist, Marxist radical to the position of HHS Secretary.

Once again Joe Manchin, proves that he is nothing but a hard core socialist. He pretends to be moderate and has the Republican party hood-winked by saying he will not allow the Democrats to overstep their bounds. What a joke. He backed off, folded, and changed his rhetoric on the COVID bill and voted for the massive boondoggle. Now he is voting for radical socialist Marxist Becerra. Folks, Senator Manchin cannot be counted on for fairness. The Republicans should wake up to that fact. Republicans, you should not trust or depend on Manchin's vote. As to at least two people in the Republic party that cannot  be counted on  for support or votes is Senator Collins, and Senator Romney.

As to the many lawsuits that  need to be immediately filed against the Biden administration and expedited to the Supreme Court are the unconstitutional policies being carried out in regards to immigration by the Department of Homeland Security. It is no secret that we have a CRISIS on our Southern border. What is currently happening at the Southern border is clearly a NATIONAL SECURITY problem. According to reports from ICE, people from all countries around the world are currently flooding into our country, and MANY are from  hostile nations like Iran, Iraq, China, Afghanistan, Syria, etc., who want to do America harm.

Folks, it the responsibility of the President, and his administration to protect the security and safety of all American's, FIRST and FORMOST, by adhering to and upholding the CONSTITUTION of the United States. It is abundantly clear that the Biden administration is not adhering to the Constitution when it comes to protecting our borders. Biden and his Marxist and socialist administration tore up former president Trumps America first policy on immigration out of SPITE and PURE HATE. Biden and his administration knew for a fact that Trumps immigration policies had been working and securing our borders. I submit that that the Republicans should file lawsuits having Trumps immigration policies reinstated and expedite them to be heard by the Supreme Court.-- And, that's my opinion. I suggest you consider the situation and come to your own conclusions. you decide.


Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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