The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

I have lost all confidence in our teachers, not only in Nevada, but all  across the  country. Why?

These teachers are nothing but a bunch of malingers and losers. The have stayed out of the classroom for about one entire year, so far.  Every teacher that is interviewed on television always states  "I want to get back in the classroom."  Are you kidding me? That's the BIG, BIG LIE! These teachers do not want to go back on the job. PERIOD! 

Imagine any other job where you can stay home away from the job and draw full salary for not showing up for work. You can't. We, the taxpayers, are paying the teachers salaries and instead of doing their job they go off on vacations in Puerto Rico and lay on the beaches and live it up in resort hotels and send selfies of themselves living it up and posting them on  Facebook , Twitter, etc.

They also mock parents by threatening to "F*** " them up if they ask the teacher to return to the classroom. And people , we are paying the salaries of these clowns. Who needs this garbage put out by these teachers? I submit that if any teacher does not want to show up on the job, and do their job, they should not receive a paycheck. The various states Governors and legislatures should mandate that teachers have to show up in the classroom and teach in order to receive a paycheck. I would bet dollars to donuts, if that were the case, these malingering, lazy, money grabbing teachers would show up on the job.

You can bet that all of these same teachers that refuse to work for a paycheck  are going to the grocery store, the bank, the post office, laundry and cleaners and where the states allow restaurants to have indoor dining- these teachers are showing with their families to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. They are out and about carrying out their daily activities. And folks, if they can, and are doing that, they certainly can show up in the classroom to do the job they are being paid to do.

If there are elderly teachers over 65-years old, give them the COVID shot and let them return to the  classroom and for those teachers who that are afraid to show up to teach, let them leave the teaching profession. But I would guess that the teaching profession is made of of individuals generally under 40-years old, most in their 30's and 40's. It is literally a young persons profession. So chances of them contracting COVID is close to ZERO.

The fake news media says, ''it's not the teachers, it's the unions stopping the teachers from returning to the classroom.''  WRONG,  it's not only the union leaders, but the teachers themselves. I submit that if the teachers really wanted to work for their paycheck they would take to the streets in mass, like they always do every couple of years "striking for more money and benefits." These teachers have no problem organizing and striking in large, large numbers for pay raises and pensions.

If the teachers were serious about returning to the classrooms and wanting to earn their paycheck they would hit the streets in their large numbers and march on the state capitols with their signs and colored T-shirts demanding that the Governor's and legislatures of their state open up the schools and allow them back in  the classroom. If they did protest and have their voices heard in the large numbers like they use on their strikes I have no doubt that these liberal Governors would allow the  teachers to return to the classroom. Everyone knows the majority of the parents want their children back in the classroom however, it is the teachers themselves refusing to return.

The teachers are continuing to feed their families bellies and going about every day business,(they are not missing any meals.) They are  meeting all their financial bills just as they were doing before this pandemic but the small businesses and restaurants, that lost everything and had to close or file for bankruptcy and possibly lose their homes DO NOT have the luxury of being paid a  weekly or monthly salary (FOR NOT WORKING).

In  conclusion, the states Governors and state legislatures should immediately enact legislation stating that if teachers do not teach in the classroom or fail to show up for work in the classroom, they will not draw a paycheck. As a side note: It should also be mandated that these Governors and state legislators themselves cannot draw a weekly paycheck as long as they continue to lock down their states. I suggest that if the restaurants, small businesses, entertainment venues have to struggle without a paycheck coming in, the  same policy should be applied to these liberal lawmakers. --And, that's my opinion. I suggest  you consider the situation and come to your own conclusion. You decide.


Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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