The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, September 12, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The Trump administration should preserve the pristine  land mass of Bristol Bay, Alaska. There is a Canadian company attempting to activate and operate the "Pebble Mine" in  the area. Bad, Bad, idea.

Anyone that cares about our environment should contact their representatives in Congress and let them know to oppose any legislation that would allow this Canadian mining company to set up a mining operation at Bristol Bay.

Bristol Bay Alaska is the world's largest sockeye salmon breeding grounds in the world.  The residents of Bristol Bay make their living off of the fishing in this wonderful Bay. Bristol Bay also supports great wild life such as bears,sea and river otters,  beavers,  walrus, seals , orcas, and beluga  whales. In addition, there is bald eagles, waterfowl and  numerous migratory types of birds.

I would say, in my opinion, Bristol Bay is akin to the Grand Canyon here in the lower United States. It has majestic beauty, natural habitat and wildlife that should not be disrupted or disturbed in any way whatsoever.

If this Canadian company wants to mine let them mine in their own country, their own territory. The residents of Bristol Bay have been involved in the fishing industry for decades providing the entire world with excellent seafood like salmon. They depend on their fishing industry to survive and have been doing quite well over these many decades. They survive and make a living by supplying the entire world with salmon and other seafood. 

This company's argument is "it will offer jobs to the locals. WRONG! It will only provide about 200 jobs, if that. The mining company relies heavily on automation to extract the minerals from the area. The people of Bristol Bay are doing  very well without the  assist of a mining company promising to provide  about 200  jobs. Don't let this  mining company pull the wool over our Congress people's eyes.

I submit that if this Canadian company was allowed to begin mining the Pebble Mine, it would destroy Bristol Bay, Alaska. This mining project would ravage the entire area of Bristol Bay and do  excessive harm to all of the natural wildlife  that lives on, and in the area. The wildlife lives and survives here. The mining company would poison the crystal clear waters with all of the dangerous and toxic chemicals they use in their mining production and that in turn would certainly kill off wildlife which depend on the waters to survive. Plus, the worldwide sockeye salmon would  be decimated overnight by the mining operation in this area.

I suggest that President Trump and his administration and all of the  feckless Congress people take swift and immediate action to put a thumbs down on this idiotic idea of allowing a mining company to  tear up a very beautiful, natural environment in the great state of Alaska.- And, that's my opinion. I suggest you  look at the situation and come to your own conclusions. You decide.


Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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