The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Boy is FOX NEWS falling down on the job. They have been changing for the worst, especially during this last year. Their motto "Fair and Balanced" is a bunch of pablum. The  shows hosts use an ad promo saying "no one tells us what to say or do," "we have our own  voice, etc,., etc., - but folks, that is just a bunch of hogwash.

Just the other day they began a conversation on who is behind the funding of the Black Lives Matter and Antifia radical movement and the placement of radical District Attorney's and politicians in offices around the country. But as soon as George Soros name came up, the  hosts immediately became silent, (crickets). They didn't even want to say his name. The subject was immediately changed.

That makes one wonder, people. What kind of a stranglehold or infiltration George Soros  has on FOX NEWS NETWORK. It should also be noted that recently FOX NEW has been having more Democratic guests on  their shows in addition the the old stale, worn out, "used to be's," the "formally was," and "was an aide to" type Fox contributor talking heads. As soon as these same Democratic guests show their face and speak their first word, you know what they are going to say. The Democrat guests  have their same old talking points and turn the conversation to bashing the Administration and Trump, Trump, Trump while the same ol' stale "used to be" conservatives say the same things most shows.  There is not an honest conversation between these two factions. Ridiculous!

In the Soros matter previously mentioned I submit FOX news had an opportunity to present the case against the radical George Soros organization but weaseled  and wimped out, afraid to talk and discuss the Soros ties in the liberal cities across the nation. What a joke FOX NEWS is becoming. So much for "no one tells us what to say."

With the exception of "The Tucker Carson Show," FOX hosts runs a very drab "cut and paste" program format. MAC CULLAM, HANNITY, INGRAHAM , WATTERS, and others continually show video inserts and interrupt guests. They have a "no matter what" attitude to get their video clip into their conversation. These  show hosts might as well just honestly say, "we are going to run video clips and do all the talking for the duration of the show."  And to top it off, the hosts pass the same  video clips from show to show , beating the dead horse, "over and over" again.  No originality whatsoever. 

I suggest if these  show hosts claim to be opinion hosts they should just do the show by themselves giving their own opinion on various issues  and allow the viewing audience to tune in for their opinions. It would be better than filling the segments with constant video clip inserts or having 3,4, or 5 guests in a block segment where the guests only  gets about one to one-and- a-half minutes to respond to an issue. All FOX NEWS is doing now is just filling air time for FIVE minutes in order to run FIVE MINUTES of advertisement commercials.  These hosts are there just to "beat the clock" before they are shut down by the FIVE MINUTE commercial break.

It appears these hosts care less about what the guests  are actually saying, All they want to do is squeeze in a particular video that is already queued up to fit into the five minutes they have before running  FIVE MINUTES of commercials.

Why would any reasonable person be crazy enough to sit through only FIVE MINUTES of program content followed by FIVE MINUTES of advertisement commercials?  THIRTY MINUTES out of an hour of a program on FOX NEWS is commercials?  That's nuts! 

The television viewing audience should be outraged about what the television networks are doing. In years past the TV audicence had at least fifteen (15) and twenty (20) minutes of a program before being interrupted by commercials. When the networks  began cutting program viewing time to ten (10) minutes before running a commercial people were unhappy and became upset but now with only FIVE MINUTES of program content before being interrupted by  A LONG, LONG, FIVE minutes of commercials should not be allowed.

I say, if people want to protest. This is really  something they should be out in the streets protesting about.  There is probably no household in America that  does not have a television set, which is their only source of entertainment and what these television networks like FOX are doing with only presenting 30 minutes of a show out of a hour is unwarranted. FOX NEWS was one of the first television networks to start this trend of only showing FIVE minutes of a program, followed by FIVE minutes of commercials and then others followed their lead. Now it appear this format will become the norm UNLESS  people begin to protest and raise their voices against having FIVE minutes of commercials thrown at them EVERY FIVE minutes.

If these television networks  want to increase their profits I suggest they charge the advertisers and sponsors more money for the air time and give back the television viewers more viewing time between commercials. They should not penalize the  viewing public.And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and  come to your own conclusions. You decide.


Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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