The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

I have concerns about the so-called  experts advice when dealing with COVID-19, and I am sure many Americans also have many of the same concerns.

Person in question  who presents a major concern is doctor Anthony Fauchi, who had and has a large say in President Trumps COVID-19 task force. This guy is all over the map with his "EXPERT" advice.
Initially he played down the coronavirus by saying such things as, "there is nothing to be concerned about,"  or "just go about your regular routine, as you have been doing." Also he decided to advise President Trump to suddenly CLOSE DOWN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. I think it was a dumb suggestion. That was one of the most boneheaded moves  of the century. However, President Trump acted on the advice of the so-called  experts, and LOOK WHERE WE ARE AT NOW.

Fauchi decided to play the nations BIG EXPERT and told the President the only way to survive was to put a full stop on the best economy on the globe. He said we HAD to lock down every business and industry in this country. He's the same lamebrain that told us "do not wear masks," and said "that the coronavirus is something people shouldn't worry about, then told us, "we all have to wear masks and face coverings."Then he went on television shows and told people " it's okay to have  sex with strangers, on line." WHAT? Is he nuts? I have a theory that COVID-19  can be passed through a man's semen and body fluids during sex. However, only time will tell and reveal if I am correct. Fauchi should stick to his expertise. He surely is not an expert in business, industry, or economics. I suggest he leave areas  involving business, industry and economy to experts in those fields.

Fauchi had his day, he had his peak when he handled the AIDS virus, working in the  the labs containing that specific ailment. But I submit, to have him be the face of the nation telling us what we people of the USA can and cannot do with COVID-19 is over his head. Folks, Fauchi is, and has been making it up as he goes along when it come to COVID-19. He is only flying by the seat of his pants from day to day. The same goes for some of his colleagues.

Because of his and his colleagues missteps and making things up as they go through each day caused irreparable harm to  a number of established  business entities who have been in operation for over 100 years. Currently many of these well respected businesses are filing for bankruptcy. Many have closed their doors for good. That's sad. That's' wrong.

People, when the AID's problem came upon us  we DID NOT SHUT DOWN the entire country and shut the economy spigot off. We kept these scientists in their labs and research centers, working, trying to effect a  treatment and possible vaccine while  at the same time the country (REMAINED OPEN) and went on with business and economic moves as usual. And, folks, I say that is the way it should be. Keep the scientists in their labs, institution and research centers, assign them the task of coming up with a possible treatment or cure for ANY disease. At the same time let the nation move on and conduct business as usual, building the economy and industrial backbone of the nation.

We did  not LOCK DOWN or bring a complete stop to every business or industry in the nation during the AIDS crisis, the Ebola crisis, the H1N1 Swine Flu crisis  and/or other severe flu  seasons. And, believe it or not, during any given flu season approximately 60,000 to 70,000 deaths a year, can occur, and that is when people  are  even given the flu vaccine shot. WOW! And guess what? We do not shut down the entire county and force people close businesses or stay home and away from work.

During our Flu seasons and through at least three prior Chinese viruses which China let loose on America and the world, the country went on with their regular business. The scientists did their work  IN THEIR LABS and the nation SURVIVED. During these dire health situations people continued work, people became ill, and yes, people died. All the while this was  happening scientists were in their labs, institutions and research centers (WHERE THEY SHOULD BE, DOING WHAT THEY SHOULD DO), and they did come up with satisfactory treatment for AIDS/HIV and other maladies.

When AIDS, Ebola, H1N1 Swine Flu  was  on the scene, the CDC and other agencies set guidelines and recommendations for the people of the country to follow and the people of the nation followed those recommendations and the country continued to hum along and conduct business while abiding by the recommended guidelines.

I think it is fair and incumbent on the administration, CDC, and the National Institute of Health to issue guidelines and advisories for the people of the United States to follow as how to coexist with an illness, virus, etc., but then let the people accept and follow those guidelines and advisories at their own risk.

Hell,  we Americans from every walk of life, culture, and race, take risks every day. Every time we get into our car, walk down or across the street, fly in a plane, and interact with other people we take a risk and we weigh that risk as we go through our daily lives.  Coronavirus (COVID-19) should be no different. I believe once the guidelines and advisories were laid out, each and every individual then had the choice to  make up their own mind as to the degree of risk they want to take.

We Americans  clearly DO NOT need Governors of each state telling us who can work, who has to shelter in a closed environment and hibernate in our house or apartment, who can and cannot work. work. (Note: It's easy for them because they continue to receive a paycheck so they can pay their mortgage and/or rent and meet their financial obligations.) It is not for them to set draconian laws and violate the law of the land and Constitution.

It is my belief that many of these liberal Governors's are clearly restricting  the American peoples  freedom, rights, liberty and are committing clear constitutional violations for their own political agendas. They are intentionally extending their  "executive orders" and prolonging the economic crisis  preventing America commerce and industry to move forward.

Folks, the powers given to these Governor's  to shut down their state are generally for emergency situations and they are meant to be  enacted  ONLY ON A TEMPORARY basis. The powers  given to the Governor's  were not meant in any  way, shape, or form to allow them to  try to  act as a God, and to rule with a boot on the necks of the citizens of their state..

I submit that once the guidelines and advisories were laid out before the public on how to best deal with COVID-19, the lawmakers should have gotten out of the way and let the innovative owners of businesses, industry and commerce adapt to the situation.

If many every day employees and employers can keep their doors open  and conduct business, and  have people shop in grocery stores,large box stores, liquor stores, marijuana outlets, etc., by following guidelines of face covers, social distancing (6 feet), washing hands, and  disinfecting surfaces, I suggest that every other business establishment can operate and do the same under the same guidelines. People, EVERY BUSINESS, large and small, corporation or mom and pop stores are ESSENTIAL businesses. But right now these Governor's are picking and choosing winners by  deciding what business can make money and what business cannot make a living. That's WRONG. If some can follow guidelines and sell their product, other businesses can certainly do the same. 

Folks, those in the service and hospitality business, the travel and energy industries, and most every other employment sector across the nation have the brains to know that they can adapt and model their business practice to fit into, and within, the recommended guidelines and advisories.

Example, all of these employment sectors  can accommodate things like face covers, social distancing and space markers six feet apart, constant and/or frequent disinfecting procedures, etc.,  for all of their customers and employees. And, you can bet, that if they failed to follow the recommended guidelines and advisories, customers would not  patronage their business. It's called FREE MARKET, folks.

So, I would like to suggest to President Trump and the White  House  that they should immediately order doctor Fauchi and his scientific colleagues to return to their labs, research centers and  institutions and do what THEY do best. Fauchi is a good virologist.  He deals with infectious disease control, that's is what he should be working on. The President then should instruct the Governor's of each state to allow the small mom and pop business communities  as well as the large business and corporations take the reins and open to the general public if they can and will follow the recommended guidelines set down by the President.

I believe to this day that  doctor Fauchi OVERREACTED. He was like Chicken Little running around yelling , "the sky is falling, the sky is falling", and it really wasn't.  There could have been a satisfactory compromise between the health and safety of the people in the country and allowing the  commerce, business and industrial sectors of the nation to still produce, turn out their "widgets" and products and let them provide their services. Doctor Fauchi and his colleagues brought about a great catastrophe upon this land. SHAMEFUL! - And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation with open eyes and draw your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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