The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, May 18, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The so-called experts, and especially the Governors of the states failed big time when it came to controlling COVID-19 with the initial onset in  the Washington State nursing home.

Remember folks, the first mass outbreak got its foot hold in a nursing home and it quickly caused numerous deaths of the vulnerable senior citizen population. But instead of addressing the immediate problem at hand the so-called experts ran around like "Chicken-Little," screaming, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling" and advised President Trump to immediately lock down the entire nation. What?--

Instead of immediately attacking  COVID-19 at the facilities that were the petri dish for infecting others (nursing homes, assisted living , rehab centers, containing senior citizen patients), the experts and Governor's chose to ignore the problem. Thus, the infectious virus got loose from the facilities and began infecting people in dense areas such as New York City. And, even after New York Governor Cuomo requested, and received over, above, and beyond, first class assistance from the federal government he came up with the lame-brain , bone-headed decision to send COVID-19 patients back into nursing homes and facilities  allowing the COVID-19 patients to infected others that  had not yet been infected. New Jersey followed Cuomo's  policies and did the same thing.

While all of this was happening, the so-called experts in Washington still ignored the problem and still continued to failed to surge medical equipment, PPE's and  doctors and nurses to the root of the problem. How dumb is that? Right?

People,  if a five-year-old child sees a house on fire, he is going to throw the bucket of water at the house on fire. Hell, the child is not going to run two or three streets away and throw the bucket of water on a house that is not burning down.

The experts and Governor's decided to fan the flames by using fear to frighten the people of the country while placing draconian executive orders on the people of their states.
However, I give kudos to one Governor that stands out regarding direct action on COVID-19. That is Governor DeSantis, of the great state of Florida. He had the correct insight to see that the COVID-19  virus problem was  in senior citizen facilities and took swift and direct action by concentrating medical needs to the nursing homes, assisted living facilities and rehabs centers in his state.

Folks Governor DeSantis did the right thing. He poured the bucket of water on the burning house, where the fire was raging. HOORAY!!!

I submit that if the government experts (ha-ha,) would have immediately addressed the COVID-19 virus outbreak, (at the initial cause of the mass deaths )-- nursing home in Washington state, they could have initiated  a swift and sure containment of the problem.

I submit that these lamebrain Governor's wake up and concentrate restrictions and lock downs on ONLY the areas that present an immediate threat to the majority of the population of their states. ENOUGH of this power grab that went to their heads with their continued threats, intimidation and outrageous demands on the citizens of their states.

Governor's, especially of New York, Illinois, New Jersey,  Michigan, California, Washington and Oregon should come to their senses and  just  use SIMPLE LOGIC AND REASON over EMOTION. Face the fact that the nation now has to live with this virus, just as we have to live with Flu, Pneumonia, Cancer, Measles and Small Pox and other scary diseases.

The people of the USA have always continued to conduct business as usual for decades living with the threats of  diseases and NEVER has the entire  nations economy been LOCKED  AND SHUT DOWN. If the power hunger Governor's cease their own private and political partisanship  regarding COVID-19 and listen to the PEOPLE of America and get serious about using simple logic and reason instead of acting on politics and emotion, America can survive. Both small and large business and corporations can innovate ways and policies within their business to work in and around this  COVID-19 pandemic. - And, that's my opinion.  I suggest you look at the circumstances and the situation and come to your own conclusion. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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