The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

It is well past time to DISCONNECT and UNCOUPLE FROM our number one enemy--CHINA.
What the hell is it going to take to have the administration and Washington lawmakers stop farming out our American technology, pharmaceutical and intellectual property to China?

RIGHT NOW, we are dependent on the Chinese to provide America with 98% of our needed drugs and medications. People, can you believe that?  I suggest our politicians have a Lewinsky and incestuous type relationship with China.IT HAS TO STOP!

It is no secret and a known fact that for decades China has been stealing our intellectual properties, trade secrets, aerospace and research technology. Currently China is stealing a whopping $500 BILLION dollars a year of our intellectual properties. This hostile communist country has systematically blackmailed, bribed and used espionage to acquire large, significant amounts of America's research scientists, military and business innovators technology and secrets.

They have their Chinese citizens who are working in the United States act as spies. Recently a Chinese research scientist working at Harvard University was caught stealing and leaving the United States for China with vials of materials developed  here in America.

Also China utilize their telecom companies Huawei and ZTE that have been used in America and other nations around the world to spy on America and these other countries. I submit we should not be using Chinese telecom companies at all. They have their their software installed in  many of our military installations and on our military equipment. That is wrong! Those acts will allow the Chinese to sabotage , spy and infect our military equipment.

Just recently, China made threats to use that same American  technology and business secrets which they illegally stole from us against the United States. One current big example is the threat of withholding  antibiotics, drugs  and medical equipment from America and its citizens. Remember when President Trump initially imposed tariff's on China during the trade negotiations last year? China said they were going to stop  manufacturing drugs which were needed in the United States. Now yesterday China threatened again to stop manufacture and shipping of drugs and medications to the United States saying: "We will let America drown in the CARONA VIRUS." Since they produce most nearly 100% of all the antibiotics  and drugs we in America depend on, can you image the medical emergency and deaths that would be caused by China withholding all of the pharmaceuticals, drugs and medication needed by every man, woman and child in America? That one act alone would bring the United States to its knees overnight.

In the past few days China even turned ships around  which were in route to delivering  drugs, medical equipment and masks to the United States during this Corona Virus outbreak.

I submit, and suggest, it's entirely possible that China will eventually taint the drugs and medications, or dilute needed drugs and medication that are destined for the United States and refuse to ship critical  parts  for medical equipment, medical supplies, electronics,  military software for aircraft and weapons of war. Folks, I would not put it past China to do those things. They have already made the threats to do it.

Our lawmakers in Washington have got to mandate that our pharmaceutical companies here in America make and produce our drugs and medications in our own country. Why isn't this happening? Simple, -- MONEY,  paid to our politicians and lawmakers through bribes and  political donations by the China lobby and the big Pharma companies. China offers the pharmaceutical companies here in America cheap labor, research and development costs to manufacture those medications in China. China does this same procedure  with electronics, aerospace, military software, etc.--the list is to long to  mention.

President Trump has to stop coddling big business and China and bring back manufacture, research and development to the good ol' USA. Yes, it may cost a little more to produce the drugs and medicines, research and development, military software, and earth minerals used in sensitive military aircraft , naval ships, space programs and electronics, etc., here in America but it is clearly more safe and secure, and a small price to pay to protect our innovative research and development in all of these specialized fields which is a national security concern.

President Trump and most of all the lawmakers are always saying basically--"We are the greatest nation in the world and have the best scientist and business minds in the world." We can do anything." Well, it's time to stop just mouthing those sentiments and DO IT. Make our needed products  right here in America to serve Americans.

Folks, I have been shouting from the rooftops for years , to anyone who would listen that CHINA IS NOT OUR FRIEND.  CHINA is our NUMBER ONE ENEMY, period. And it is not a question of  IF China plans an attack on America, it is --WHEN! And when they do it will be in all likelihood in conjunction and partnership with Russia, Iran and North Korea. It will be a very aggressive and vicious attack. Remember, China has the  worlds largest standing military force.

When China uses all of the research and military secrets they stole from the United States, the high tech company information that they extorted  from Google, Apple, NASA, NSA, other government agencies and our institutions of higher learning in one massive sweep using Iran, and North Korea in partnership we will be in a corner trying to catch up and you can bet there will be a lot of finger pointing by these same lawmakers, greedy lobbyists and business titans saying it was somebody else that caused the problem.

Our country is behind the curve on electronics such as 5G, artificial intelligence (AI) and  we have fell way short in other critical areas of innovation and development. I say it is time to really do what the well worn slogan says: "AMERICA FIRST." Let's get back to  manufacturing, building and producing our products right here in America.

And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and come to your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr .Kuhns can be reached  by email at:

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