The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, March 30, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

A couple of days ago the Congress just passed the $2 TRILLION DOLLAR stimulus package to combat the caronavirus pandemic. Great, the country needed that. But I really have a concern and problem with HOW IT WAS PASSED. I believe that this Congress shred a part of our Constitution of the United States. Why I think that? They denied the citizens of this country and the media to a transparent and full disclosure  regarding Congressional action.

The cowards and spineless Congress people denied us of an "ON THE RECORD VOTE" as to where each of them stood regarding this  important stimulus package, the largest in the history of the nation. Folks, these wimpy do nothing Congress men and women could have clearly went on the record with their "on the record vote" to indicate where they stand. But they took a very easy way out with the excuse of not wanting to congregate in Washington because of the caronavirus. That people, IS A COP  OUT on their part. So they only shouted out a "voice vote"where the loudest voice vote passes or fails. WHAT A CROCK.

I submit that these feckless lawmakers could have traveled to Washington D.C. and instead of meeting in Senate Chambers as a large group could have self-sheltered in their OWN capitol office and voted, individually one at a time. How? By Skype, or by video, (like telehealth medicine does) at this time. That is an innovative way to get  a message out.

The media could have covered each Congress person as they signified their vote (yes or no) from each Congress persons mouth, in their own office while televising the results to the people of this nation as each person cast their vote. For those Congress people who was already on quarantine in their homes it would have been very easy for them to go on record with their vote in the same manner. Folks, it would have been an easy procedure to do this with the media and communications expertise we have in this country.

The media and television networks do this on a daily basis with lawmakers each and every day. We viewers across the country see it put into place quite frequently wherein  the TV host conducts an interview or gets a statement by Skype, tele-video, etc. It is common practice for media to set up  remote broadcasts, even via  telephone.

I suggest these Democrats and Republicans wanted to take the EASY WAY OUT so they got together in the backrooms and the halls of Congress, possibly by phone  and decided they were going to snooker the citizens of this great country and pull the wool over our eyes  to save face by NOT GOING ON THE RECORD to let us know how each of them  personally vote  for the package.

These are the same Congress men and women that allow truckers, grocery store clerks , restaurant people, food delivery people, law enforcement and the medical health personnel travel out in the open and know every citizen goes out in public to buy groceries in these dire circumstances EVERY DAY. But IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM? WOW!!!

This Congress people's wimpy act of cowardliness committed what I believe to be abdicating their  responsibility and duties during this crisis and fled Washington for their time off from Congress, shortchanging the nation.

They will be out for WEEKS now. These greedy self-centered, do nothing Congress people who make a whopping $174,000.00 a year, and have the best medical plan on the globe (that the average citizen will never see, and that we, the taxpayer is paying for)in order to cover their healthcare needs are worried about sitting in their own private office or residence to carry out the governments business and perform their solemn duty?  What a joke! People across the country who are working in large corporations, companies and small business,  and average  Jane and John Doe are conducting business from home but  these entitled elite circus clowns in Congress can't, won't or refuse to do it? That's wrong people. We have to hold these lawmakers accountable for their actions ,or lack thereof.

What is wrong with this picture? One Congressman recently went on television and said that if he comes down with the caronavirus that Congress has the best health care available to them. What does that tell you people? It  speaks volumes.

I  further submit that these Congress people COULD have and SHOULD have went on the record with their vote regarding this important stimulus. I say hold these  incompetents accountable at the ballot box this November. - And, that's my opinion.  I suggest you consider the situation and form your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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