The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, August 2, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Fox News used to be a great network to watch. I used to watch it every night. But I'm sorry to say, "not any more."I have quite a few complaints with FOX News Network. But  my  complaint today is that this is the only network or TV station that  was to cover President Trumps rally in Cincinnati, Ohio on August 1, 2019, and clearly failed in that endeavor.

I tuned in to hear the President and Vice- President's remarks. But  instead I get a host that says he will go to President Trump's rally when the President is about to speak. Fox would not cover Vice-President Pence, and then,  the host continued to interview and offer mealy-mouth, pablum, conversation until the last second President Trump stood before the microphone. FOX NEWS---If you're going to cover the rally, then COVER THE RALLY.

Once the President began to speak things went well until the hour ended. The president's speech was broadcast without interruption. GREAT! But the the hour rolled around and a new host was to take over and host. Tucker Carlson began his show and basically said. "We are going to cover the Democrats debate" and will get to President Trump's speech if he and the Fox news people think something of importance occurred. I watched for a few minutes to see if Carlson would cover the presidents rally but, that did not happen. He wanted to get his face on television as much as possible and ignored the President's rally and went on to interview and discuss the Democratic debate.

SHAME ON FOX. They are the only station to broadcast the President's rally and then they short-changed the viewing audience by cutting away from the rally.

Fox could have covered any Democratic debate analysis before or after the President's rally. Or they could have even covered it the next day instead of  interrupting  the President's rally. I wanted to see the rally as it was carried out by the President, not trust FOX to say , ""this is what I think you viewers should see or be interested in". I wanted to see it in real time, without interruptions.

FOX pulled this stunt before on a few of President Trump's rally's. They say they will cover and broadcast the rally but instead, they have their opinion makers, the same old tired talking heads and hosts, babble on with opinions of  what President Trump MIGHT say. Fox News Network is nothing more that a platform of INFOMERCIALS  for COMMERCIALS. PERIOD!

I stopped watching FOX news when they began running commercials EVERY FIVE minutes. They run  five minutes of commercials (10 to 15 commercials), in that five minute period and then do five minutes of program. Their hosts come on and say such things as: "we have a jammed packed hour of news for you." WHAT A LIE AND SCAM. Out of the full hour of what is to be a news/opinion segment FOX runs 30 MINUTES (or more) of COMMERCIALS. They are nothing but a greedy, self-serving network to rake in  big bucks from the advertisers and sponsors.

Folks, FOX NEWS  never used to be like that. They used to offer programs that ran at least TEN minutes of programming before they ran a commercial. But with this FIVE minutes of news/opinion and then FIVE minutes of COMMERCIALS is just to much to take.

I submit, that if FOX NEWS wants to make more money from the advertisers and sponsors THEY should charge those advertisers and sponsors more for the air time. DO NOT PENALIZE the viewing public.FOX is playing the television viewers for a SUCKER by running commercials every five minutes. I guess the only way greedy FOX and other networks are going to learn is for us television viewers to TUNE THEM OUT. Do not watch the networks that run so  many commercials. I did people, and I hope other television watchers do the same. I refuse to watch any television station or network that runs commercials every five minutes or cuts their program time down to 50% commercial and 50% show and program. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decision. You  decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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