The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The United States Post Office has had a monopoly to deliver mail for decades. How can ANY business that  has no competition and is a monopoly lose money consistently, decade after decade? Here's how folks, it's we, the taxpayer, paying  for over the top retirements, pensions , health care and other benefits of the  postal workers and are obligated to pay BILLIONS more just to keep their retirement/pension fund afloat. Right now the postal service has an unfunded  pension liability of over, GET THIS, - $100 BILLION DOLLARS. And most of that is for employee wages, health care, pensions, and retirements. The Post Office has been squandering money from us taxpayers on employee benefits year after year, decade after decade.

It should be noted that our Constitution actually authorizes the creation of the Post Office, however, no where in the Constitution does it say or does it require the federal government to keep dumping billions of taxpayer dollars and subsidize this White Elephant of a loser. We taxpayers shouldn't have to. The Postal Service has been a money pit for decades. These postal workers are constantly demanding more and more money and benefits from us taxpayers each and every year.

I've preached for years that the federal government should not have allowed the Federal Employees to unionize. We taxpayers are on the the hook to pay  the workers over-the-top annual salary increases, great health benefits and very lucrative pension and retirement plans. The Post Office provides great benefits for their employees that average John or Jane Doe working in the private sector will never, ever hope to see in their lifetime. Fact is, I believe that no federal worker should be allowed to unionize. They should have to adhere to the same retirement policies  and packages that the people in the private sector has to depend on such as a 401k, and pay increases should be based on job performance and merit. NOT guaranteed  annual cost of living increases of 3% to 6%.  However, the politicians and lawmakers belong to those same club and unions and enjoy substantial cost of living increases, health care, pension and retirement benefits themselves. So the chance of de-unionizing  Federal Workers is not even on the radar.

The Post Office has lost money year after year after year for decades and a recent White House report stated that the Post Office "had no clear path to profitability." Fact is, the Post Office has lost  approximately $69 BILLION DOLLARS  since only 2007.

The alternative delivery services like Fed Ex and UPS are thriving, profitable companies. And the big surprise is that the failing Postal Service, by federal law is given a monopoly and exclusive  rights to the Post Office to deliver all the letters sent in the United States. Fact, it's a federal crime for Fed Ex, UPS to deliver mail to your mailbox. UPS and Fex Ex ONLY deliver parcels, NOT ANY LETTERS. Believe it or not the the Post Office only started delivering packages/parcels after UPS did. And, the idiotic Post Office is still billions of dollars in the hole. WOW!  How does ANY monopoly lose money? But the federal employees don''t care because they still receive their lucrative health care, pensions and retirements that continue to go up each year, on our dime. And keep in mind many of us average citizens do not have a retirement/pension plan, yet we pay for their comfortable retirement.

The lawmakers and politicians in Congress and Washington fail to realize that COMPETITION rewards the companies who offer the best service. Result, they make profits like Fex Ex and UPS.
Competition also results in  lower costs to the consumer public. Basic economic 101 for these lawmakers who wear blinders--if you take away the profit motive from  ANY business, what are you left with?  You guessed it- the governments Post Office, folks.  The Postal Service is a loser and has been a loser for decades--ever since they allowed the workers to form a union and bleed the taxpayer dry by always demanding increases in salary and lucrative benefits. Have you ever see the post office lower the cost of a stamp or mailing charges? I doubt it. THEY ARE a MONOPOLY. We taxpayers are at their mercy. We have NO CHOICE to mail letters.

I suggest that we, the taxpayers demand that Congress act (both Democrats and Republicans on both sides of the aisle), and insist that we privatize the Post Office and have efficient alternative delivery services like Fed Ex and UPS deliver our mail. We have to STOP being on the hook for paying for theses outrageous pensions and retirements of all of these Federal Workers. Hell, at least Fed Ex and UPS has their own privater plans to take care of their employees. THIS POST OFFICE monopoly has to go. Period! - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decision. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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