The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, May 18, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Many of our young men and women are UNFIT to serve in our military services. Can you imagine that? Wow! When I was a young man every young man in the  country had to register for the draft. We had no choice. At the age  of 18 years we had to go down to the Selective Service Commission and register. If not, we would be breaking the law.It was the law of the land. Then each young person was put on list and eventually called up for military service when our number came up. All young people had tow choices. Either wait and get drafted into the Army or join another branch of the military services, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. I decided to join the Marine Corps, rather than wait to get drafted into the Army.

But now it is all voluntary to enlist and serve in the military. But recent reports and statistics assembled by  all of the military services and the government said: Seventy-One (71%) percent  of young people between the ages of 17 and 24 years old are UNFIT to serve in the military. Why? Get this-- the report stated that the biggest causes for rejection is: Obesity, No High School graduation, and drugs.

Each branch of the military is struggling each year to find qualified applicants. That only leaves a 29% pool of young people to draw from. That's incredible.  Many of the young people of  today just sit around on their butts. They clearly appear not to want engage in physical exercise or  buckle down to  achieve academically. You  can see  many of today's youth just sitting in front of a video game, or a television screen or addicted to social media sitting using their cell phone. And drug use by these young people runs rampant through society.

It seems the young people are currently living in an " I want" generation. They WANT this and they WANT that handed to them and believe they are entitled to all the nice and easy things in life and expect the be taken care of by their  parents.

What ever happened to grade schools and high schools that used to require students to take part in and pass physical education courses? That practice fell by the wayside. The young men and women today between 17 and 24  years old live a sedentary life. That's a shame.

Our country should go back to the  DRAFT. Require every U.S. citizen who turns 18 years old to register and service in the military service. They should have to serve in one of our military service branches for at least two (2) years or serve in organizations like the Peace Corps for at least two (2) years. That again will make men and women out of these young people. They will have opportunity to travel, further their education, have a choice of many job opportunities while serving and they will learn about life such as budget their finances, pay their bills and numerous social skills that will carry them through their adult life.

If the government brought back the draft and mandatory military service it would take these  obese, high school dropouts off the couch, away from their video games, television sets, loitering around the corner, or the mall or laying around using drugs and change their lazy attitude, and "you owe me", lifestyle. It would benefit both the young people and the country.

A a side note: there are many other countries around the world that does require of their your men and women to service in their military service. We in America  should return to that concept. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decision. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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