The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, September 6, 2018



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

President Trump  said that he is considering shutting down the government if he doesn't get his border wall money. Hooray! But his Republican cohorts  in Congress, like  Senate Majority leader McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan are already going to the media and saying there will be no shutdown. What a joke. These two Republicans are clearly not a friend of the president and have been blocking  president Trumps agenda from the get-go.

The two lame brains are using the excuse "wait until after the midterm election." Just another tactic to keep the old entrenched Republicans way of life continuing. They hate Trump's change and  don't want him to succeed in  anything he does. They  promised him the wall last year and then pushed a  spending bill on the sly that didn't give the president his wall.. They keep telling  the president, "next time." Or, it's not a right time. Now, they're using the midterm election as an excuse and you can bet then they will tell the president that's it too close to the 2020 election. And they will push to have him wait until his second term begins. They, Ryan and McConnell, are part of the swamp people that want to keep Washington as it was and they, their friends and friendly lobbyists are making tons of money for  not  building the wall on the southern border.

My suggestion to president Trump --SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN until you get the  funding you want and need for the wall. First, if the government shuts down it always seems to run better. The world is not going to stop. On all previous shutdowns the feds always keep the essential personnel they need to run the government and it has always run just fine without serious interruptions.

The government always calls back their employees, and guess what? They  pay them back pay for the time the government was shutdown. Side note: I have a problem with that part of a shutdown. I say if and employee is off the job, not working, THEY SHOULD NOT be paid. Period.

The people working outside the government who gets laid off when their  company lays them off temporarily or when and if the company shuts down the employee  is on their own. They usually file for unemployment or take another job until they are hired back. The pampered government workers should not be entitled to anymore that the average worker across the country. But that is another story I will cover in  another blog.

In summary, President Trump should  go for the government shutdown even if it is before the midterm elections. Why? Because no matter what he does he's going to take heat for it. The RINO Republicans and the Democrats want him out of office so bad that if he came up with a cure for cancer, they would find fault with that.

I hope  the president does not allow these spoiler Republicans and Democrats who continually work against him win out again. He promised the wall and if he does shut down the government until he gets the money for it the voters will reward him with their votes and continue to back his agenda. It's time he told these spoilers where to get off the Trump train. -- And,  that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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