The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, September 29, 2018



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Well,  the RINO (Republicans In Name Only) Republicans again snookered President Trump to obstruct and delay. These people are Democrats. always pretending to be Republicans so they  can reap the benefits of Congress and the power of the title. What a shame.

Yesterday, September 28th.,  Jeff Flake (R), the flake from Arizona decided to side with his  friends in the Democratic party to scuttle a nominee for the United States Supreme Court. Following his announcement three or four other RINO's jumped on his bandwagon. That guaranteed there was no way to move to a vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.

Keep in mind that FLAKE is not running for office again so he has nothing to lose by sinking President Trump's agenda and policies. He has  made it clear  over the past couple years that he has a very large hate on for President Trump a has has been opposing and throwing up roadblocks  against Trump over and over again.

Thus guy promised to vote to confirm judge Kavanaugh only a few hours earlier but at the last minute, like his buddy, the late John McCain he chose to obstruct.

If there were more Republicans in Congress that actually supported  the President's policies the party would not have to have depended on his vote. Since there were not enough Republicans he knew he had the power to  get what he wanted from Congress, I suspect this flaky character is auditioning for a job  when he leaves Congress. I imagine he has a lucrative job offer and it was contingent on him deep- sixing  the nomination.

Very few, if any, in Washington, especially in the Republican party like flaky FLAKE  and the voters in his home state of Arizona let him know they would vote him out of office this time around and that is why he decided not to rum again. He couldn't win reelection. His constituents hated him. So, this last minute move was his swan song from Congress. Although he did say and promise if the Judiciary Committtee would allow the "one week" extension for an FBI investigation of the proposed nomination he WOULD vote to confirm judge Kavanaugh. Let's see if he follows through.  He changed his mind the last minute yesterday, so can you "trust" this guys thinking and scheming? We will see.

My suggestion to  the Judiciary Committee and Congress: STOP these constant delays. and pandering to outside attorneys. I submit that if Senator Grassley and the weak Republican party would have insisted and held a  straight up and down VOTE two weeks ago, the judge would have been already been confirmed and we would not be where we are today..The Judiciary Committee and the CIRCUS clowns on the Committee giving way to demands of outsiders is ridiculous.

I would further suggest that whether it takes the FBI 3, 5 days, or one week to wrap up their interviews the nomination should be brought immediately for a VOTE. I say, call for a vote, win or  lose, and get all these milk toast lawmakers, one by one, ON THE RECORD with their VOTE--yea or nay so the people across this country can see who is for or against this nominee and the Trump agenda. AND do this well before the midterm elections.- And. that's my  opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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