The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, August 10, 2018



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Illegal immigrants are flooding into the United States because  the lousy Congress people fail to enforce the current laws and close loop holes in the system. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and big business has all of these greedy politicians in their pocket and pays off the lawmakers to continue the flow of cheap labor. Folks American citizens will take the jobs. This myth  about  only illegal immigrants can do the job is ridiculous. It wasn't too long in the distant past that all of our lawn work  and landscape, construction jobs and other occupations were done by Americans, mostly white. The work force consisted mostly of adult and teenagers.The teens learned the trade from the bottom working along side of American citizens. But following the 1986 amnesty fiasco by president Ronald Reagan and our lazy congress people the job market went to to pot. Big business took over and began hiring  a cheaper labor of illegal immigrants.

We have to get our immigration problem under control and fast. Only a few years ago people showing up at out border requesting asylum and entry into the USA were low compared to the tens of thousands now massing on our Southern border (our Northern border has a big problem also, but that's another story for another time). Our lawmakers and the  squeamish and feckless court system is allowing this to happen. The USA demographics is changing very drastically and quickly.

My thoughts are: Illegal is illegal. The law is being broken by both adults and children from other countries that want the USA to shower them with all the freebies of free health care, free education, welfare, a check from us taxpayers each month, and free housing, among other  lucrative benefits. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP.

Whether adult or children the government should send them back where they came from. Period.
As long as we give these illegals all of the free benefits, the  mob will continue to come. Our lawmakers and courts set up an enticement program for the flow of illegal aliens to continue.

Can you imagine, the bleeding heart lawmakers, the courts and legal aide people are giving FREE housing to the illegals (they do not have to pay rent folks) but us American citizens and taxpayers have to pay our rent and mortgage every month.

The government is now allowing these illegal aliens to to be housed, fed, and clothed (free of charge) at our military bases around the country. I submit that this money being spent on these "illegal aliens should be spent on American citizens who are homeless and our military veterans. Question? Why don't the government provide housing, food and clothing for our homeless and vets on these military bases instead of "illegal aliens". I believe that the American  citizen deserves this give-a-way much more that  an illegal person. The way I see it is that our citizens and veterans are much more deserving of this kind of treatment  and benefit that a  person that comes to our country illegally.Bluntly put, these illegals are "criminals", nothing more. Again, these illegals are committing an illegal act, committing a crime and my answer is to immediately send them to jail or prison and deport them following the jail/prison time.. Better yet, immediately send them out of the United States, back to their country of origin.-- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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