The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

I watched Russian President, Vladimir Putin's interview on television 60 minutes last night and  heard some of his message to the United Nations. I have to say Putin did very well  during the 60 minutes interview. It appears this man is intelligent, well versed in world affairs and foreign policy matters. He's tactful in his responses to the interviewer, he is blunt and he came across  very well. It's obvious he has a great love for his motherland and explained in clear fashion about losing approximately 25 million Russians when the USSR broke apart. He also was cautious not to try to explain situations that President Obama is involved in.

I agree with a lot of what Putin says, especially when it comes to the Syrian war. He does not want to overthrow the Syrian government and get rid of President Basher-al-Assad. Currently Assad is attempting to put down a rebellion within his borders and Putin's view is to allow the Syrian military fight their own war. I agree with that position. The only Syrian soldiers fighting ISIS terrorists is Assad's elite guard  unit. Like Putin, I say let the entire Syrian military fight the terrorists. So far the U.S. has spent 500 MILLION dollars to train and equip  5,000 moderate  rebels to fight ISIS. But that effort has turned out to be a complete failure . The result of that training and support was only a few Syrian fighters (you could count them on one hand) stayed to fight. The others we trained threw down their weapons, ran away, turned over  their weapons to ISIS and now are fighting on the ISIS side using our weapons.

In collusion with the Saudi Arab nations Obama allows them to provide arms and equipment to Sunni rebel groups fighting the Assad. regime, which is dominated by a small minority Shiite sect

I disagree with Obama and his administrations plan to provide money, training, weapons, etc., to certain groups in Syria to fight so-called terrorists. Fact is,Obama and his minions really doesn't know who represents these groups  or what agenda they have in the long run. All Obama knows is that he wants Assad to go. He's said that over and over again. My view is the United States should not arm people they don't know enough about. Further, the U.S.should join Russia and other nations to fight and wipe out ALL of these different groups. I believe they all should be treated like terrorists. Obama should let Assad take back his country and stay in power. Then if the people of Syria want to change leaders let them do it on their own.  You can bet that if another nation said that Obama should go, should be replaced, he would do the same as Assad is doing. He would fight tooth and nail to stay in power.

Look what happens every time we, the United States goes into a foreign country and decides to overthrow the leaders of those countries. We turn those countries into shambles. We cause the  citizens of those countries to divide into different factions and fight each other. Look what we did starting with Iraq. The United States used a preemptive strike against Iraq using the excuse that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction." But all the information supplied by the Washington warmongers was proved to be false. The Washington crowd wanted to start a war and they did. The U.S. spent billions on the Iraq war and  today we are still fighting  the battle. Then came Afghanistan, (billions of dollars more), then Libya, now Syria and Africa. The U.S. has spent and is still spending BILLIONS of dollars on these wars, wars we should have not gotten involved in. BILLIONS of dollars, THOUSANDS of American lives wasted in the name of trying to spread American democracy to countries that have their own customs and.culture. People, these countries do not want our way of life, the never did. They want to live their lives in their own countries as they have been doing for centuries.

I submit that if it wasn't for the U.S. sticking their nose into Iraq and starting a war there would be no Taliban terrorists threatening the world, no ISIS Muslim radicals threatening the world. Those people in those countries would have still been living under their chosen leaders doing what comes natural to them, living their way of life. I suggest that after the Iraq invasion, the U.S. lead the effort to DISBAND the Iraq army and that in turn led to the creation of  ISIS. Why do I say that? Because former Iraq army officers now compile the extremist groups top ranks. Then there's Libya. The US. again stuck there nose in another countries internal affairs and formed a so-called coalition of European partners to overthrow  Libya's leader, Moammar Gadhafi, which again led to the creation of ISIS and terrorists there. As  a side note: Just today the media reported that Obama said he admits that he made mistakes in Libya. Wow! Mistakes he says? I say BIG TIME MISTAKES.

Now, Europe has a mass influx of Syrian refugee's that want sheltered, fed and taken care of by other nations. Is it the  the fault of the Unites States that this refugee situation is what it is? I would suggest that a big part of the blame falls on the United States. It appears that the lawmakers in Washington fail to learn by past experience and mistakes. The Washington establishment starts one war, causes havoc and turmoil and then moves on to another country trying to depose the leaders while rationalizing their involvement.Washington keeps playing the same ol' song over and over again.

The billions of dollars spent on all of these never ending misguided wars could have been used here at home in the good ol' USA, feeding our poor, our hungry, rebuilding our infrastructure, securing our own borders BUT instead Washington takes our tax money and feeds, clothes and supports other people in these warring countries.  Washington uses our tax money to build schools, roads fences, infrastructure  and borders  in the ravaged countries while caring less for our own kids, citizens and  way of life here in America.

Finally, my solution to the mass refugee problem that was caused by the U.S.and its allies . I've written in earlier blogs and articles that the European Union and the United States should:

" Keep all of the Syrian refugee's in Syria. The European countries and the U.S. can build a buffer zone of PROTECTION in a swath of Syria where all the refugee's can migrate. The the U.S. and the world communities (i.e., Germany, Austria, Hungry, Croatia  Greece, Russia, etc. can provide food, clothing, heath care and all humanitarian aid as needed to all refugee's."

Folks, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that a proposal such as the one I suggest will work. All of the refugee's would be under the complete  protection of all the world powers. Any terrorists  group who would even consider  invading  the protection zone would be insane. The situation now is that European countries are setting up camps and zones in their individual countries to accommodate the refugee's. They can hardly handle the masses. But keeping the refugee's in their own country (Syria) would be the answer. They will be provided for by the world's humanitarian aid to them and  the Syrian refugee's would be able to resume their lives after the Syrian conflict is  resolved.

European countries and the United States are currently allowing  hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugee's in their borders. That is a crazy act. An act that was not though out clearly.The refugee's influx will turn each countries ethnicity upside down, jobs will be lost to  actual citizens of those countries who accept them and in all likelihood there will be some terrorist radicals that will lie their way into  these countries, establish a  base and carry out  terrorist acts. Again, it would be easier to contain and accommodate the Syrians on their own soil. It clearly is easier to disburse aid and comfort to the Syrians in their own country rather that trying to resettle them  throughout the world.

My idea and solution would also prevent any Syrian radial and/or ISIS person from infiltrating the refugee masses and relocating to a country where they can carry out a terrorist act on that particular country. Speaking as an American I would say that we, the United States SHOULD NOT allow even ONE Syrian refugee into the country. Once one radical terrorist gets a foothold, the next move is an entire cell of radials being organized and then -- we here in this country will be having the same problem with ISIS as the countries now fighting them. Mark my words: If Obama and/or the administration allows Syrian refugee's into America it is not a question of IF, but WHEN  our country comes under attack by terrorists.. To me, ONE Syrian radical in America is too much. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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