The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, September 21, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The presidential debate put on by television CNN was a THREE RING CIRCUS. I now dub CNN as the CIRCUS NETWORK NEWS-(CNN). What is it with these moderators who question the presidential candidates? Instead of actual relevant questions, with substance, regarding the candidates views and opinions on such things as: foreign policy, economics, domestic issues here at home these TV moderators only wanted to polish their image by  asking dopey, silly and stupid "got you" questions. I can only say these moderators handling presidential debates are a bunch of CLOWNS in the  CIRCUS NEWS NETWORK line up.

The CIRCUS NEWS NETWORK (CNN) did a disservice to both the viewing public and the presidential candidates by turning what should have been an actual debate into this comical, pretend make believe debate by having their circus clown moderators present the candidates with stupid, childish questions far afield of any political interest.

The moderators must have set in a  room constructing the meaningless questions using their network bosses wishes as a bid for ratings. Folks, it wouldn't  take much to ask questions that 24 million viewers wanted to be addressed. FIFTH GRADERS could have come up with better questions that this IDIOT panel of so called NEWS people.

All the debate was was the moderators asking such things as: "Mr. Trump. Jeb Bush said this about you?" Then the irrelevant, silly question. And,  Carly, Mr Trump said this about you? What do you have to say to Mr. Trump? Then, the silly, irrelevant question. This went on and on for THREE HOURS folks. And all these CIRCUS CLOWN moderators say is they wanted to have the presidential candidates interact. WOW! I submit that all of the candidates could have interacted by responding to the views and opinions of their opponents on substantial questions.

I say the moderators at CIRCUS NETWORK NEWS (CNN) could have asked questions of the candidates such as (i.e) Mr. Trump, or Mr. Paul, Mr. Christie or Ms. Fiorina: " If elected President, what actions will you take to raise the incomes of people in this country? Or, "How will you reverse all of the jobs being outsourced overseas? Or, what is your economic plan for this country if you are elected President? How will you secure and protect our borders? Explain your plan to save Social Security? And, on and on. There are many, many important issues that the people of this country want to see how these presidential candidates are going to approach them and present THEIR plan and address these needs.

Also, to be fair to all of the  candidates on the stage --instead of hopping from one presidential candidate and giving one or more specific candidates more time than others the moderators should have EACH and EVERY candidate address and answer the same question and/or issue at hand, right down the line. That way each candidate will have the opportunity to present their case on a specific issue. Naturally each candidate will be limited to the same amount of time to respond the question  put forth AND all of the viewers at home and in the audience can actually see how each candidate would handle the situation presented. That approach would allow the viewers to make an informed decision on which candidate has the better grasp on the question asked. In that way the voters can make up their mind as to who is lacking in knowledge, who falls short in addressing  the question/issue, who can clearly articulate and explain the issue. But these phony (supposed to be FUNNY) questions like: "Who would you like to see on the $10.00 bill? It's laughable.

These candidates should be DEBATING about the most important issues facing this nation and all of them on that stage should have a chance (even if it is only minutes per question ) to address the same question/issue so WE, the PEOPLE can hear each candidates response.

Seriously, if I wanted to see a staged, moderated  mix-up (like these CIRCUS NETWORK CLOWNS-(CNN) put on by bashing each candidate and expecting the candidates to respond to the negatives I would watch a JERRY SPRINGER show.  This circus was below any NEWS NETWORK quality and content.

Keep in mind there is enough time for these presidential candidates to bad mouth or trash their opponents while on the stump, in town hall meeting  and rally''s, etc. We the people  can see that occur on our own to help us make u our own minds as to who we favor. We don't need an international news network  (who is supposed to construct questions for a national  debate) to stir the pot and present  a THREE RING CIRCUS, instead of seriously presenting a debate between different candidates. NEWS NETWORKS, we Americans do not need silly jokes or  puffy fluffy questions directed to the presidential candidates. Forget the so-called jokes and softball silly questions and get to the meat of the reason we are all here. DEBATE among the candidates on the issues of the world and domestic problems. WE want to hear the candidates  response to GROWN UP, ADULT questions that pertain to world and domestic problems plaguing us here in America.

Finally, I am and was very disappointed to see a prominent news media source put on this DOG and PONY show for the benefit of rating and the image of these third rate moderators. I submit that THREE regular, everyday citizens from across the country could have constructed and presented a  list of questions for a presidential debate much more relevant that these IDIOT moderators.

In fact, if nothing else, these moderators could have and should have went out into the country and accepted a question from different individuals until they had enough questions on the various issues of concern to fill this THREE HOUR THREE RING CIRCUS. Real, heartfelt, serous questions on issues people across the country are worried about and want addressed  would have been a GOD send.-- And, that's my opinion. Make up your own mind. Make your own decisions.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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